28 Things God Has Taught Me in 28 Years

Today is my birthday, and I cannot believe that I am already 28-years-old!

I refuse to feel sad about how the years have flown by, though. Instead, I will reflect on how thankful I am for each exciting experience and hard lesson the past 28 years have brought.

I will celebrate how each one has helped me to grow, learn, and strengthen my faith!

Here is a list of 28 things that God has taught me over the years about myself, about others, about life, and about God himself. I hope you enjoy!

Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen

If you were to walk into my house, one of the first things that you would notice would be all the pictures.

Wedding pictures, engagement photos, snapshots from my travels, and photographs of family adorn the walls, shelves, and mantle.

I have always loved pictures. Before I lost my sight, and, yes, even after.

The one-year anniversary of my wedding is rapidly approaching, and one of my favorite things to do is to sit and look over all the pictures from our perfect day.

How do I do this without my sight you may be wondering?

What is the Sword of the Spirit?

Until now, we have been on the defense, protecting ourselves with a glistening breastplate, a strong shield, reliable footwear, and a heavenly helmet.

Now, however, armed with the word of God, we are ready to take up the offense and fight.

One of the reasons that I love the Disney Parks so much is that there is just something so magical about seeing a previously 2-dimensional story come to life before me in 3- dimensional real-life action!

What is the Helmet of Salvation?

When I was about 6 years old, I attended a summer camp at a local farm.

This was the beginning of my horse obsession.

One of the first lessons at camp taught us about the necessary equipment, both for the horse and for the rider.

The horse must be equipped with a saddle, saddle pad, girth, and bridle.

The rider must be equipped with proper riding attire such as breeches (pants), boots, gloves, and a helmet.

What is the Shield of Faith?

Have you ever felt the truth of the saying, “When it rains, it pours”?

Sometimes, it seems as though we are stuck in a season of life where one trial follows another, and they all begin to build up until the weight of it all is crushing.

Blindness often brings upon those seasons because it impacts so many distinct aspects of my daily life.

What is the Gospel of Peace?

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15, ESV)

I have been blessed to be able to travel quite a bit in my lifetime.

I love exploring new places and cultures.

All of my adventures have been so different, but each have one thing in common…a lot of walking!

While traversing a new destination, you learn just how important it is to have sturdy, reliable, and comfortable shoes on your feet. You can be as healthy and in shape as an Olympic athlete, but blisters or aching feet can bring down even the best of us and leave us missing out on precious sightseeing time!

What is the Breastplate of Righteousness?

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15, ESV)

In my younger years, I was notorious for borrowing my older sister’s clothes. Beth always indulged me and when I donned one of her sweaters or blouses, I felt so glamorous, cool, and grown-up.

Having an older sister was kind of like always having access to a brand-new wardrobe!

When we come to know Christ, we become “new” in a much more important way.

What is the Belt of Truth?

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15, ESV)

As a typical girl, my clothing has always been important to me.

Since losing my sight, I had to discover a different way to enjoy the garments other than visually.

Today, when I am picking out clothes, I rely mostly on textures, but I also have learned to attach memories and mental images to my clothing as well.

What is the Armor of God?

One of the most difficult parts about blindness is all of the unseen “enemies'' that seem to lurk around every corner.

I bump into or trip over objects that I didn't know were there, jump ten feet in the air when someone starts speaking in a room that I thought was vacant, or flinch when something brushes my arm and I have no way to figure out what it was. The unseen can be frightening!

In reality, however, all of us sighted or blind, encounter unseen enemies that are far more sinister.

It's Okay to Look Back

Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t look back, you’ll miss what’s in front of you”?

Well, I don’t completely agree with this statement.

Let me explain…

After losing my sight, my life changed drastically.

I left a lot behind as I struggled to move forward with my new circumstances, and it felt as though a lot had left me behind as well.

For a long time, I followed the advice to not look back, mostly because it was so hard to do so.

Thinking about the simplicities that came with sighted life was difficult, and as time progressed, I found it painful to remember the early days of my blindness and all of the trials that I endured

How to Replace Our Fears with Faith

What makes you afraid?

When we take a closer look at our fears, many of them center around the unknown, unfamiliar, or what is out of our control.

One of my greatest fears is storms.

The power and unpredictability that they possess turn me into a nervous wreck every time the thunder begins to roll and rain pounds on the roof. You never can quite tell what a simple summer thunderstorm may progress into.

Ironically, before I lost my sight, I also had a fear of the dark.

Waiting on God's Timeline

In the book of Genesis, we can read about someone who was trapped in his own long season of waiting.

In Genesis 37, Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his own brothers.

By no fault of his own, all of a sudden, Joseph found himself being plucked out of his homeland and shipped off to Egypt towards a life of labor and lack of freedom.

Joseph’s unfair judgment continued as he was sold to the captain of the palace guard, falsely accused of rape by the officer’s wife, and thrown into prison. Joseph was locked up for two years.

Through it all, however, he remained faithful to God and God remained faithful to Joseph.

Can I Trust God When I Feel Intimidated?

Have you ever felt truly intimidated?

The motion that you are up against something much bigger than yourself is enough to leave you feeling hopeless, scared, and, in my case, quite literally shaking in my boots.

When I was a freshman in college, a couple of years before I lost my sight, I was a member of my school’s equestrian team.

At the end of that first season, to my amazement, I qualified for the biggest competition of the year…nationals. I had ridden horses since I was very young, but I had never competed at such a high level.

When I first arrived at the huge arena and saw all of the talent and athleticism around me, I’ll admit, I felt out of my element, overwhelmed, and scared. Sure, I had earned my spot there just like the rest of the riders, but the irrational intimidation that I felt made me feel as though I was destined for failure.

Can God Use Me?

If you had told me 7 years ago that I would one day start my own ministry, I would have thought you were crazy.

The idea that I would be sharing my faith with others would have been almost laughable to me.


Because I did not have a close relationship with Christ, I was living far from how a Christian should live, and I hardly ever touched my Bible.

Despite this, God decided to use me anyway, and I’m so glad that He did.

As a result, my life is now drastically different.

Dinner with Me

Before I lost my sight, I was one of those strange individuals who enjoyed eating at restaurants alone.

Sure, I also loved to grab a bite with a group of friends or my family, but there was always something about the peace and relaxing atmosphere of a meal spent in solitude that appealed to me.

It’s been almost 7 years since I strolled into a restaurant by myself, was shown to a table, and enjoyed a meal independently.

Well folks, I am happy to say that this streak has finally come to an end.

How Do We Focus on the Good in Life?

One of the reasons why blindness is so challenging is because I literally cannot get away from it.

It is something that cannot be fixed with a dose of Advil, a good night of sleep or a quick visit to the doctor.

It is always there, always debilitating, and always a challenge.

Can you relate?

Do you have a “thorn in the flesh” that seems to be stinging you with every step forward?

Putting on the New Self for the New Year

I used to love rearranging the furniture in my bedroom when I was younger.

My parents were constantly hearing noises of furniture being rolled or scraped across the floor above their heads. I have had to let this beloved pastime go since losing my sight.

Honestly, rearranged furniture is now one of my worst nightmares!

It would take me forever to get used to the changes, and thinking about all of the accompanying bumps and bruises makes me cringe!

Finding Christmas Courage

I love to read and listen to audiobooks, and one of my favorite authors is Karen Kingsbury.

Not only are her novels compelling and entertaining, but they are all based on scripture and Biblical truths.

Her writing always leaves me with a sense of peace and gratitude towards our Lord and Savior, and I always tend to learn something new about God and His word.

While reading Kingsbury’s novel, “Truly, Madly, Deeply,” I was given a whole new perspective on a Bible story that all of us know so well…the Christmas Story.

We often read the account of Jesus’ miraculous conception and birth with a sense of hope, joy, and peace.

How to Stay “In-Step” with the Holy Spirit

When I received my guide dog, Jackson, I was so excited for the freedom and independence he would bring to my life.

And I definitely have not been disappointed!

I feel so much more confident traveling independently with my boy by my side. However, I also knew that having a guide dog would come with its challenges and occasional hardships.

Having a dog is very different from simply walking with a white cane.

For one thing, when you have a dog, you are responsible for a living, breathing animal. This means that, on occasion, they will become sick and need a day or two off of work.

What Are You Thankful For?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

The day when we get to stuff ourselves with turkey, dressing, and sweet potato casserole while being surrounded by family and friends. I honestly cannot think of anything better!

I love Thanksgiving for several reasons.

First, I get to visit with family who I don’t get to see that often.

Second, it means that Christmas is right around the corner.

Third, the food!!!

Fun fact: I actually love Thanksgiving food so much that I had it served at my wedding reception. My favorite? Sweet potato casserole!