Waiting on God's Timeline
I’ll admit…I am not the most patient person.
I prefer when everything goes according to my own timeline, and I can get slightly frustrated when this does not occur.
My problem with impatience was really put to the test when I experienced my own battle with Covid.
I always thought of myself as having a fairly strong immune system. I do not get sick that often, and I managed to avoid the virus for the first 2 years of its existence.
However, when the inevitable did finally occur, it hit me hard.
I seemed to experience every possible symptom, and as soon as one would subside, I would begin to endure a new one. This lasted well past the 5-day timeline that I was given for this variant to run its course.
For what seemed like years, I was stuck in the house wondering when, if ever, I would begin to get better!
I am so thankful that I did not endure a severe case of the virus by any means, but the experience did leave me thinking a lot about waiting, patience, and living according to our own timelines.
A Bible opened with pages flipping as sunshine is beaming onto it.
In the book of Genesis, we can read about someone who was trapped in his own long season of waiting.
In Genesis 37, Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his own brothers.
By no fault of his own, all of a sudden, Joseph found himself being plucked out of his homeland and shipped off to Egypt towards a life of labor and lack of freedom.
Joseph’s unfair judgment continued as he was sold to the captain of the palace guard, falsely accused of rape by the officer’s wife, and thrown into prison. Joseph was locked up for two years.
Through it all, however, he remained faithful to God and God remained faithful to Joseph.
“But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love…”
(Genesis 39:21, ESV)
During his time in prison, Joseph found favor with Pharaoh through his ability to accurately interpret dreams.
He was promoted from prisoner to governor of Egypt as he aided in preparing for the impending years of famine that he predicted would soon ravage the nation.
“Then Pharoah said to Joseph, ‘Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command. Only as regards the throne will I be greater than you.’ And Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I have set you over all the land of Egypt.’”
(Genesis 41:39-41, ESV)
While it may seem as though Joseph’s luck was turning around, he was still in a season of waiting.
Waiting for his predictions to come true and to reconcile with his family.
True to his interpretations, Egypt enjoyed 7 years of prosperity followed by a long, challenging famine.
Joseph aided the nation in preparing for and waiting for the coming hardships as well as seeing the people through their hunger and struggle when the famine began.
It was during the years of hunger that Joseph was reunited with his family.
And we learn a lot from what Joseph said to his brothers who had treated him so badly and plunged him into this season of uncertainty and waiting.
“So, Joseph said to his brothers, ‘Come near to me, please.’ And they came near. And he said, ‘I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest. And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on Earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors. So, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.’”
(Genesis 45:4-8, ESV)
A wooden hour glass with sand sifting through as time passes.
The couple of weeks that I had to spend sick seem like nothing compared to what Joseph went through.
While the years that he spent in captivity, prison, and enduring a famine are surely not what Joseph had planned for his life, he recognized that God had used his hardships in a very mighty way.
The perfectly crafted timeline that God had written out culminated in Joseph saving many people from hunger and destruction.
Joseph did not blame God or even his brothers for his misfortunes but remained thankful and faithful to God through his long season of waiting, uncertainty, and hardship.
It can be so hard to remain patient during similar seasons of our own lives.
The account of Joseph, however, shows us that, even in our impatience, God can make some pretty amazing things happen.
Joseph realized that God’s timeline was so much better than his own, and when we realize this as well, it can be easier to stay patient, trust God, and remain faithful through days, weeks, or even years of waiting.
How can you remain faithful to God through your own waiting today?
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North Point Baptist Church, located at 1400 Cedar Street in Carrollton, GA, is committed to providing a Biblical, compelling, challenging, and life-changing time of worship to show you the love of God. Every member of your family, from the youngest to the oldest, will be met with a friendly face and an opportunity to grow and learn from the word of God.
The Athletic Eye, a new division of Tillman Eye Center, provides sports vision training that focuses on heightening an athlete’s visual abilities and overall performance within their sport. Through visual tests and screenings, professionals determine where a player stands concerning their optical performance. Athletic Eye can then develop a comprehensive training program specific to their strengths, weaknesses, and even their sport of choice.