Sara Claudia standing in front of greenery with blue shirt on while smiling.

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What It’s Like to Live from the Inside Out with Courtnaye Richard

What It’s Like to Live from the Inside Out with Courtnaye Richard

Today’s guest blog is written by Courtnaye Richard. Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in Christ, character, and calling. She is an author and sought-out speaker. Her speaking appearances include She Speaks, Hope*Writers Tuesday Teaching, Christian Parenting Conference, and Entrusted Women’s Conference. In addition, her blog and podcast, Inside Out with Courtnaye reaches thousands of women across the globe! She is also the founder of the faith-based marketing and mentorship agency, Inside Out Media Group, LLC, where she’s worked with platforms such as PBS, CBN, TCT Networks, and Yahoo. Connect with her at or on Instagram @insideoutwithcourtnaye.

What It’s Like to Live from the Inside Out

When I wake up in the morning, one of the first things that I do is walk into my kitchen to turn the coffee pot on. And while I have a Keurig, I’m still that old-school girl that likes an old-fashioned cup of French Vanilla Folgers coffee poured right from my coffee pot. After that, I’m off to brushing my teeth, putting my make-up on, and doing my hair for the day (because I just never know when I may get an idea to film a quick video for my audience). 

Now, I work from home. I’ve been in ministry for over 20 years and it’s my life. I absolutely love it! I get to create my own schedule for the day, while creating biblical and practical content that is designed to help women all around the globe grow in their walk with Christ, while equipping them to do what they have been called to do. What does your typical day look like? 

For starters, after I get ready for my day, I like to sit down with my hot cup of coffee and read my Bible. Some mornings, I start off journaling. Actually, it just depends on how I feel and what I’m dealing with at the moment. For instance, if I’m weathering storms of life, I tend to brain dump my feelings onto the empty pages and write out my prayers to God. If it’s a normal day (and I’m feeling pretty good), I like to take my time and release my thoughts in my journal, while dreaming about what’s next in life and the day ahead. 

After finishing my devotional and prayer time with the Lord, I then open up my laptop to check my emails to see what I’ve missed overnight and sift through what I need to respond to right away or what needs to be added to my to-do-list for later. I typically don’t start my day until 11am. 

Yep! That’s my life. The reason I start my day so late is because I do so much as it relates to my ministry, business, and personal life, that I don’t like to rush my devotional time. Oh, and did I mention that I love taking Mondays off? When do you typically take time off, because we all need rest, sis?

Next up is social media! Can you relate? It’s just one of those things that has found its way into most of our lives. It’s one of the ways that we connect with everyday people around the world. Personally, it’s indeed a part of my literal social life. My hangout spots are mainly Instagram and Facebook. I just love connecting with my sister friends and meeting new women that I can share the gospel, teach, preach, train, encourage, inspire, impact, and spend life with virtually and in person, all while we await the return of Christ. 

Living from the inside out for me is living a life that is surrendered to Christ. It’s having integrity when no one is looking or around. It’s spending time in God’s holy word, and not just reading it, but studying it to gain insight and revelation, but also to get to know the character of God. It’s ministry and work. It’s also treating those in my home with love and affection, before ever stepping a foot outside to extend the same to others. It’s allowing God to change me from the inside out before preaching to others. 

The reason I live this way is because I love God and I know what it’s like to live a religious lifestyle as a believer. My origin story is that I was that young woman years ago who went to church faithfully, sung in the choir, wrote the church newsletter, and showed up for women’s Bible study, yet, I also still hung in the clubs, cursed people out when I was angry, and fought. 

Yep, I was that church girl! 

Until God got a good hold of me. He showed me that I couldn’t act that way as a new born-again believer in Christ. He said in His word in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun.” He also revealed to me through Ephesians 4:29, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you do be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” 

When the Holy Spirit enlightened these truths to me, my spiritual eyes were opened. I was able to see through the knowledge of His word that He was calling me to live differently. He was beckoning me to live a life worthy of my calling. The apostle Paul wrote these very words in Ephesians 4:1-2, “Therefore, I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to live a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” 

This is what it’s like to live from the inside out.

Don't Waste Your Time Worrying

Don't Waste Your Time Worrying