My Most Important Ministry with Rebecca George
Today’s guest blog is written by Rebecca George. Rebecca is an author (Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl), speaker, and host of the popular podcast, Radical Radiance. Her greatest joy is helping women pursue their passions in a way that builds God’s kingdom. In her free time, she loves running outside or trying a new recipe with Garth Brooks playing in the background. Check out her podcast, Here & book, Here. Follow her on Instagram: @rebeccageorgeauthor.
My Most Important Ministry
As I started my day, I looked around my house with frustration. Everywhere I turned there was something to do. Clothes on the couch that needed to be folded, dust on the furniture, dishes that had dried and needed to be put away, and a host of other household chores that were beginning to feel like a to-do list that would slow me down in what I truly needed to accomplish for the day. I already felt behind and my day had just begun. Maybe you can relate?
Worst of all, it was Monday. Begrudgingly, I folded and put away and vacuumed my way into a bad attitude. How could these mundane moments truly matter? I had plenty of other items on my list for the day that felt more important, and certainly more fun, than maintaining my home.
As I sat down on the couch to organize the clothes, it hit me. These clothes are the very uniforms my husband and I wear to live out our calling each day. These plates that need to be put away? They will host the meals that allow me to connect with my husband and encourage him. They will also offer a gift of hospitality to family and friends who visit our home. These chores are a gateway to loving my family well and doing ministry inside our four walls. These four walls matter, and they are not mundane. I began to wonder what might happen if I changed the way I see my home? What if I started seeing my family and home as my primary ministry? As Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:31, whatever I drink or do, I should do all these things to the glory of God, right? This includes laundry and dishes, too, I suppose.
The most important ministry we will ever do is inside our four walls. Mama, your kids are your mission field. Wife, your husband is your primary and first place of ministry. Friend, sister, coworker: who God has surrounded you with? They are your mission field. You are not behind. In fact, he is using these small but mighty tasks to cultivate selflessness and Christlikeness in you.
Whatever we do, we do to the glory of God. His agenda should guide each step of our day, including the tasks we wish we could magically snap our fingers and finish. He has planted you here for a purpose far greater than you know this side of heaven. Don’t miss it on the hunt for something that feels more flashy or exciting. Often, the richest opportunities for sanctification comes in the most hidden of places.
You are setting up your family to be equipped to serve God in a unique way by caring for your home. This week, fold those clothes, organize that pantry, and scrub those utensils like you’re doing it for the glory of God. Ask God to help you see your home, from a gospel-centered perspective, as a divine assignment from Him alone. May he empower you to serve your family and community with passion, knowing it is for His glory. May you have a new awareness of the most important ministry you’ll ever be a part of: your home! As Paul tells us in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
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Dr. Donna Thomas Moses, who specializes in Periodontics, temporomandibular complex (TMJ), and dental implants. At her practice, she strives to make you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout your evaluation and treatment.
Ashlee Burgess Photography, which has been a photography business in the West Georgia area since 2014. Specializing in weddings, elopements, and couples, Ashlee also loves working with seniors & individuals for portraits! No matter the subject in front of her camera, her goal is to create warm, dreamy images that capture the emotion of your most precious moments.