All tagged Bible

Don't Waste Your Time Worrying

During my initial three weeks of training with my guide dog, Jackson, we had a lot of new, exciting, and sometimes scary experiences.

One that I remember most is when we were introduced to obstacles.

The trainers set up various objects along the sidewalk that were meant to block our path. Then, as a team, Jackson and I had to figure out how to work around them.

This exercise was meant to mimic a real-life scenario in which our route may become unexpectedly blocked and we would have to decide how to navigate the situation.

As Jackson and I walked along, I did not know exactly what the obstacles were or what the outcome would be, I just knew they were coming.

Focusing On the Good

One of the reasons why blindness is so challenging is because I literally cannot get away from it.

It is something that cannot be fixed with a dose of Advil, a good night of sleep or a quick visit to the doctor.

It is always there, always debilitating, and always a challenge.

Can you relate?

Do you have a “thorn in the flesh” that seems to be stinging you with every step forward?

Do Your April Showers Bring You May Flowers?

April showers bring May flowers.”

It’s a saying we all have heard, and we know it is true.

The wet, dreary weather we tend to endure in early spring gives way to a beautiful array of vibrant colors and energizing scents as time passes.

While the rain is not a welcome occurrence, it is necessary for the beauty that we all look forward to each year.

This fun, familiar saying reminds me of a Bible verse found in Romans chapter 8.

Is God Your Sighted Guide?

When I am not using my white cane or guide dog as my eyes, I must rely on another person to be my “sighted guide”…

This means that, as I hold on to my companion’s elbow, they lead me around obstacles and along a safe, clear path.

At least, that is the intention!

In this way, I can navigate by feeling how the other person moves as well as by relying on their verbal directions and cues.

It's What Inside That Counts

We all are guilty of making some questionable decisions when we are young.

Especially in high school, we get pulled into strange fashion trends, risky behavior in an effort to fit in, and going to great lengths in order to be seen as appealing to others.

When I was a senior in high school, I let one of my friends talk me into dyeing my hair. My natural color, a dirty blonde shade, had never been touched with color before, but I wanted it to be blonder.

Thus, the bleaching and dyeing began.

How to Find Your Self-Worth in God

Have you ever felt as though you do not quite measure up?

When you look around, you can’t help but think that you are not as good-looking, happy, or successful as the rest of your peers.

Your clothes are not as nice, your marriage or relationship isn’t as strong, and you didn’t get that promotion.

Sometimes, it feels like it is just part of our nature to compare, conform, and crave the attainment of worldly standards.

How to Leave the Noise and Listen to God

A question that I frequently get asked is how I use my iPhone without my sight. 

Thanks to Voice Over, the screen reader software on Apple devices, I can listen to a friendly electronic voice telling me what is on the screen. Using this feature with certain gestures on the touch screen, I can text, scroll through Facebook, send emails, and use my phone in much of the same way as a sighted person.

While I am very thankful for this technology, sometimes I simply crave silence. 

I realized that I had spent the twenty years of my sighted life taking the ability to sit in the quiet and read a book for granted. 

Relinquishing Your Fears to God

During a recent meeting of my monthly Bible study, the 5:7 Club, we did an activity that some may find a bit unsettling.

The ladies and I all took turns naming our fears.

Many of the worries expressed related to health concerns, loved ones, and an uncertain future.

For me, I often feel anxious about the unknown.  

You may be wondering, what exactly was the goal of this exercise?

How to Give Yourself Grace

The last few months of 2022 were hectic, to say the least. 

I started graduate school which completely threw off my normal routine. 

If you know anything about me, you know that following a normal schedule is especially important to me! 

With the onset of this new endeavor, I was forced to reallocate my time, and it was exceedingly difficult. 

I struggled to be available for my ministry, my personal life, and even my relationship with God. 

Find Your Can

A question that I receive often is, “What does a normal day consist of for you and your guide dog?”

On an average morning, we are dropped off downtown where we will usually run by the coffee shop or head to my office to start working.

Work for my ministry usually consists of writing a blog or devotion, rehearsing a speech, conducting a Bible study, or having an encouragement session with someone either in person or over the phone.

All of which Jackson does not find too exciting, so he will settle in for a nap.

Throughout the day, Jackson and I may visit one of the local shops or grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant.

Not I but He

How many times in a day do you catch yourself using “I” phrases? Don’t worry, you are not alone. I am definitely guilty of dwelling on myself quite a bit throughout the day. My problems. My worries. My plans. My accomplishments. How often, though, do we take the time to reflect on the world around us?

Reading Psalm 104 gives us a great opportunity to do just that.

How to Turn Your Worries Over to God

During my initial three weeks of training with my guide dog, Jackson, we had a lot of new, exciting, and sometimes scary experiences.

One that I remember most is when we were introduced to obstacles.

The trainers set up various objects along the sidewalk that were meant to block our path. Then, as a team, Jackson and I had to figure out how to work around them.

This exercise was meant to mimic a real-life scenario in which our route may become unexpectedly blocked and we would have to decide how to navigate the situation.

As Jackson and I walked along, I did not know exactly what the obstacles were or what the outcome would be, I just knew they were coming.

What is the Shield of Faith?

Have you ever felt the truth of the saying, “When it rains, it pours”?

Sometimes, it seems as though we are stuck in a season of life where one trial follows another, and they all begin to build up until the weight of it all is crushing.

Blindness often brings upon those seasons because it impacts so many distinct aspects of my daily life.

What is the Gospel of Peace?

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15, ESV)

I have been blessed to be able to travel quite a bit in my lifetime.

I love exploring new places and cultures.

All of my adventures have been so different, but each have one thing in common…a lot of walking!

While traversing a new destination, you learn just how important it is to have sturdy, reliable, and comfortable shoes on your feet. You can be as healthy and in shape as an Olympic athlete, but blisters or aching feet can bring down even the best of us and leave us missing out on precious sightseeing time!

What is the Breastplate of Righteousness?

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15, ESV)

In my younger years, I was notorious for borrowing my older sister’s clothes. Beth always indulged me and when I donned one of her sweaters or blouses, I felt so glamorous, cool, and grown-up.

Having an older sister was kind of like always having access to a brand-new wardrobe!

When we come to know Christ, we become “new” in a much more important way.

It's Okay to Look Back

Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t look back, you’ll miss what’s in front of you”?

Well, I don’t completely agree with this statement.

Let me explain…

After losing my sight, my life changed drastically.

I left a lot behind as I struggled to move forward with my new circumstances, and it felt as though a lot had left me behind as well.

For a long time, I followed the advice to not look back, mostly because it was so hard to do so.

Thinking about the simplicities that came with sighted life was difficult, and as time progressed, I found it painful to remember the early days of my blindness and all of the trials that I endured

How to Replace Our Fears with Faith

What makes you afraid?

When we take a closer look at our fears, many of them center around the unknown, unfamiliar, or what is out of our control.

One of my greatest fears is storms.

The power and unpredictability that they possess turn me into a nervous wreck every time the thunder begins to roll and rain pounds on the roof. You never can quite tell what a simple summer thunderstorm may progress into.

Ironically, before I lost my sight, I also had a fear of the dark.

Waiting on God's Timeline

In the book of Genesis, we can read about someone who was trapped in his own long season of waiting.

In Genesis 37, Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his own brothers.

By no fault of his own, all of a sudden, Joseph found himself being plucked out of his homeland and shipped off to Egypt towards a life of labor and lack of freedom.

Joseph’s unfair judgment continued as he was sold to the captain of the palace guard, falsely accused of rape by the officer’s wife, and thrown into prison. Joseph was locked up for two years.

Through it all, however, he remained faithful to God and God remained faithful to Joseph.

Can I Trust God When I Feel Intimidated?

Have you ever felt truly intimidated?

The motion that you are up against something much bigger than yourself is enough to leave you feeling hopeless, scared, and, in my case, quite literally shaking in my boots.

When I was a freshman in college, a couple of years before I lost my sight, I was a member of my school’s equestrian team.

At the end of that first season, to my amazement, I qualified for the biggest competition of the year…nationals. I had ridden horses since I was very young, but I had never competed at such a high level.

When I first arrived at the huge arena and saw all of the talent and athleticism around me, I’ll admit, I felt out of my element, overwhelmed, and scared. Sure, I had earned my spot there just like the rest of the riders, but the irrational intimidation that I felt made me feel as though I was destined for failure.

How Do We Focus on the Good in Life?

One of the reasons why blindness is so challenging is because I literally cannot get away from it.

It is something that cannot be fixed with a dose of Advil, a good night of sleep or a quick visit to the doctor.

It is always there, always debilitating, and always a challenge.

Can you relate?

Do you have a “thorn in the flesh” that seems to be stinging you with every step forward?