What is the Armor of God?
One of the most difficult parts about blindness is all of the unseen “enemies'' that seem to lurk around every corner.
I bump into or trip over objects that I didn't know were there, jump ten feet in the air when someone starts speaking in a room that I thought was vacant, or flinch when something brushes my arm and I have no way to figure out what it was. The unseen can be frightening!
In reality, however, all of us sighted or blind, encounter unseen enemies that are far more sinister.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
(Ephesians 6:12, ESV)
Our real enemies are not of this earth.
They are not that unfriendly neighbor, an estranged family member, or, in my case, the kitchen chair that has been moved a couple of inches out of its place.
Instead, our real foes consist of a spiritual army led by the devil himself with the goal of steering us far from our path as Christians and followers of Jesus.
An example of spiritual warfare in my own life arises through worry and anxiety.
I tend to be an over-thinker, especially when life begins to go awry.
Recently, my sweet guide dog became sick.
Sara Claudia and her guide dog, Jackson, from behind walking towards a cross walk on the Square in Carrollton.
Naturally, I began to worry, but it soon turned into something more. I lost sleep, fretted over what the outcome would be, and shed tears over the situation.
After a few days, I realized I had hardly prayed over Jackson and his sickness.
The enemy used that situation to make me forget that I could trust God to provide me with peace and comfort.
As you can see, these forces are determined to drive a chasm between us and the Lord, shake our faith, and even lead us into sin through lies and temptations.
So, what can we do?
The first step towards protection is to realize we are far too weak to take on such spiritual warfare on our own.
We must rely on God’s strength and then we can suit up for battle against our unseen foes.
I rely on my guide dog, Jackson, to guide me around obstacles and barriers that I encounter throughout the day.
At home, he is a normal, playful dog, but when I suit him up in his harness and leash, he becomes a powerful tool for me to navigate the world confidently and safely.
As Christians, we have powerful tools at our disposal as well, and they are outlined for us in Ephesians.
Bronze armor zoomed in.
Throughout this book in the New Testament, Paul writes to the people of Ephesus about everything that God has done for them and all of humanity through Christ, the hope they have because of their faith, and how to live as individual Christians and as Christ’s body in the church.
In chapter 6, Paul warns the Ephesians of their enemies and explains how they can protect themselves, and this message is still relevant and vital for us today.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
(Ephesians 6:10-11, ESV)
Just like Jackson, we have to suit up!
When we don the armor of God, we are surrounded by His might, His power, and the hope that we have in Him.
But what does the armor consist of and what does it look like in our lives to put on each piece?
Stay tuned to my blog as I continue this series on the Armor of God and how it can protect us through every trial, temptation, and test.
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North Point Baptist Church, located at 1400 Cedar Street in Carrollton, GA, is committed to providing a Biblical, compelling, challenging, and life-changing time of worship to show you the love of God. Every member of your family, from the youngest to the oldest, will be met with a friendly face and an opportunity to grow and learn from the word of God.
The Athletic Eye, a new division of Tillman Eye Center, provides sports vision training that focuses on heightening an athlete’s visual abilities and overall performance within their sport. Through visual tests and screenings, professionals determine where a player stands concerning their optical performance. Athletic Eye can then develop a comprehensive training program specific to their strengths, weaknesses, and even their sport of choice.