All tagged Love Christ

What is the Armor of God?

One of the most difficult parts about blindness is all of the unseen “enemies'' that seem to lurk around every corner.

I bump into or trip over objects that I didn't know were there, jump ten feet in the air when someone starts speaking in a room that I thought was vacant, or flinch when something brushes my arm and I have no way to figure out what it was. The unseen can be frightening!

In reality, however, all of us sighted or blind, encounter unseen enemies that are far more sinister.

Putting on the New Self for the New Year

I used to love rearranging the furniture in my bedroom when I was younger.

My parents were constantly hearing noises of furniture being rolled or scraped across the floor above their heads. I have had to let this beloved pastime go since losing my sight.

Honestly, rearranged furniture is now one of my worst nightmares!

It would take me forever to get used to the changes, and thinking about all of the accompanying bumps and bruises makes me cringe!

Our Wedding Day

It’s official, I have been a married woman for over two months! I can hardly believe it! Time has flown by, and life as a newlywed has been wonderful. I wanted to thank all of you for the kind words of encouragement, support, and love that Seth and I received. I also wanted to share some of our wedding photos so that you can get a glimpse of our perfect day!

Stay tuned for an upcoming podcast featuring my husband, Seth. We will be playing our own version of “The Newlywed Game.” It will be a lot of fun, and there will definitely be a lot of laughs as you get a little peek into our life as a newlywed couple!

What it Means to Live for Christ

Have you ever had to completely start over?

Maybe you moved to a new town, started a new job, or transferred to a new school.

Whatever the situation may be, when you are learning to live in a new place, literally or figuratively, it can be unfamiliar, unsettling, and scary.

When I lost my sight six years ago, I felt like I was having to start my life from scratch in more ways than one.

First, there was the obvious way in which I had to learn to live again…figuring out how to do everything without my sight.

To say it was challenging would be an understatement, and to say that I have learned everything there is to know about living with blindness would be untrue.