Finding Peace in the Storm
As a child, I was relatively fearless.
I never hesitated to hop on a fast roller coaster, explore the woods on my own, or climb onto the back of a tall horse.
Despite this, one thing that still manages to stir up fear in my heart is the rumble of thunder.
Storms are unpredictable, create panic and fear, and can leave a path of destruction.
Large storm clouds forming over a windy back road.
Storms can take on many forms in our lives as well.
Sometimes you notice the clouds start to brew, and, other times, the rain and wind appear out of nowhere.
When I lost my sight, I felt as though I had been unexpectedly plunged directly into the eye of a hurricane.
Suddenly, my future felt uncertain, my normal, comfortable life had been shattered, and I was terrified.
Have you ever faced such a tempest in your own life?
After the wind settles and the clouds run out of fuel, a sense of peace and hope can follow.
Sunshine peaking through clouds over a grassy field.
The earth is replenished by the rain, and humans and animals alike begin to rebuild what the storm may have carried away.
The storms in our lives can have similar impacts as well.
As scary and devastating as my sight loss has been, I am now able to look back almost eight years down the road with a new perspective.
I can see now how, through that fear, God was able to create a whole new life inside of me.
We can read in 2 Corinthians that, when we fully accept Christ, we are made new.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)
Sometimes, it takes finding ourselves at the very bottom, or in the middle of the wind and rain, to realize that we desperately need this change.
With Christ, new life is breathed into us despite the storms of our past or those we may endure in the future.
It is a life of peace, hope, and forgiveness.
How are you allowing the storms in your life to bring you closer to Christ and create new life in you today?
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The Athletic Eye, a new division of Tillman Eye Center, provides sports vision training that focuses on heightening an athlete’s visual abilities and overall performance within their sport. Through visual tests and screenings, professionals determine where a player stands concerning their optical performance. Athletic Eye can then develop a comprehensive training program specific to their strengths, weaknesses, and even their sport of choice.
Joe Garrett at Garrett and Robinson Investment, where they deliver the support and financial guidance that you need regardless of what the upcoming days, weeks, or even months might bring.