All tagged Fear

Finding Peace in the Storm

As a child, I was relatively fearless. 

I never hesitated to hop on a fast roller coaster, explore the woods on my own, or climb onto the back of a tall horse. 

Despite this, one thing that still manages to stir up fear in my heart is the rumble of thunder.

Storms are unpredictable, create panic and fear, and can leave a path of destruction.

How to Replace Our Fears with Faith

What makes you afraid?

When we take a closer look at our fears, many of them center around the unknown, unfamiliar, or what is out of our control.

One of my greatest fears is storms.

The power and unpredictability that they possess turn me into a nervous wreck every time the thunder begins to roll and rain pounds on the roof. You never can quite tell what a simple summer thunderstorm may progress into.

Ironically, before I lost my sight, I also had a fear of the dark.