All tagged Life

Are You God's Vessel?

When I was little, I was a bit different from many of my friends.

I never donned a dance leotard, ballet slippers, gymnast suit, or cheerleader uniform.

No, I was more comfortable in boots, brushing ponies, and riding in a dusty arena.

I did try gymnastics lessons once, though.

Quickly, I realized it wasn’t for me.

In an attempt to find an excuse to gracefully bow out of the sport, I told my parents that I didn’t want to do gymnastics anymore because my instructor had a ponytail…it was the logic of a 5-year-old, but it worked!

So, I never learned how to do a cartwheel, stand on my hands, or be flexible.

Finding Peace in the Storm

As a child, I was relatively fearless. 

I never hesitated to hop on a fast roller coaster, explore the woods on my own, or climb onto the back of a tall horse. 

Despite this, one thing that still manages to stir up fear in my heart is the rumble of thunder.

Storms are unpredictable, create panic and fear, and can leave a path of destruction.

28 Things God Has Taught Me in 28 Years

Today is my birthday, and I cannot believe that I am already 28-years-old!

I refuse to feel sad about how the years have flown by, though. Instead, I will reflect on how thankful I am for each exciting experience and hard lesson the past 28 years have brought.

I will celebrate how each one has helped me to grow, learn, and strengthen my faith!

Here is a list of 28 things that God has taught me over the years about myself, about others, about life, and about God himself. I hope you enjoy!

Am I Moldable in God’s Hands?

When I was little, I was a bit different from many of my friends.

I never donned a dance leotard, ballet slippers, gymnast suit, or cheerleader uniform.

No, I was more comfortable in boots, brushing ponies, and riding in a dusty arena.

I did try gymnastics lessons once, though.

Quickly, I realized it wasn’t for me.

In an attempt to find an excuse to gracefully bow out of the sport, I told my parents that I didn’t want to do gymnastics anymore because my instructor had a ponytail…it was the logic of a 5-year-old, but it worked!

So, I never learned how to do a cartwheel, stand on my hands, or be flexible.

God Can Use Where You Are

As the new year grew closer, I read and heard quite a few statements about the approaching transition into 2021.

It seemed as though everyone craved a fresh start and the opportunity to leave 2020 behind along with all of its troubles and hardships.

I’m right there with you!

2020 was challenging for everyone, to say the least, and I’m truly hoping that 2021 will be better.

If we’re being honest, though, we are bound to face the same difficulties and even some new ones this year.