All tagged Faith blog

Grief Is the Grinch That Stole Christmas

2015 was the first year that I ever remember not looking forward to Christmas.

It had always been my absolute favorite holiday, filled with family traditions, magical memories, and lots of Christmas cookies! That year, however, as the season approached, I began to dread adorning the tree with lights, watching my favorite holiday movies, and enjoying all of the beautiful decorations.

Why? Because I wouldn’t be able to see any of it.

I had lost my sight that May, so in my mind, no amount of Christmas cheer could prepare me for all of the changes that my blindness would bring to the beloved holiday.

It's What Inside That Counts

We all are guilty of making some questionable decisions when we are young.

Especially in high school, we get pulled into strange fashion trends, risky behavior in an effort to fit in, and going to great lengths in order to be seen as appealing to others.

When I was a senior in high school, I let one of my friends talk me into dyeing my hair. My natural color, a dirty blonde shade, had never been touched with color before, but I wanted it to be blonder.

Thus, the bleaching and dyeing began.

Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?

As humans, we are especially prone to asking the “why” question when bad things happen in our lives.

Why did I get fired?

Why did my mother have to leave us so early?

Why am I going through this divorce?

As Christians, we know that God is all-powerful. So, it seems natural for us to begin questioning Him as well.

Running to God with Our Problems

Sweat was pouring down his forehead. His knuckles were turning white, and he was struggling in his seat as he began to raise his voice saying,

Get me out of here!”

We had just screeched to a halt after twisting, flipping, and racing through the Batman roller coaster, and it was taking a little too long for us to be unloaded from the tangle of seatbelts and safety restraints.

I’ve always wondered why my dad insisted on taking us to Six Flags every year before school started because this always seemed to happen. He would inevitably become severely claustrophobic on one…or several…of the attractions.

How to Exercise Our Faith

I’m always up for a challenge at the gym, but my trainer introduced me to a new exercise recently that brought me to my knees… Literally. 

It’s called the “surrender” and involves dropping first to one knee and then down to the other before rising up again into a mini squat one leg at a time. Trust me, it’s a lot harder than it sounds. After about 3 surrenders, I was breathing hard, my quads were burning, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it to the end!

How to Give God Our Full Attention

Since losing my sight, I have experienced a lot of awkward and cringe-worthy moments.

I don’t even need to list all of them, because I’m sure you can imagine some of the crazy things that can happen when you are navigating the world without being able to see.

Recently, I had one of these experiences at the gym.

Taking Time to Sit at the Lord's Feet

I love entertaining at my house, but I’ll be honest, it can also be exhausting! There are so many things to think about and prepare.

I have to make sure the house is clean, provide food and refreshments, and gather games, movies, or other sources of entertainment.

The work does not end when the company arrives, either.

Once the party starts, I always find myself rushing around, making sure that everyone has what they need and is having a good time.

With all of this hustle and bustle, it is hard to even visit with my guests.

Sometimes, I just wish that I had a remote control for life so that I could hit the pause button and have the time to enjoy the moment!

In Luke 10, Martha faced a similar situation.

She had a very special guest coming to her home…Jesus!

Can you imagine?

I would probably be a nervous wreck if Jesus was coming over to my house for dinner.

Like many of us do when we are preparing for guests, Martha, even after Jesus arrived, hurried around in frenzied preparation.

Finding God in Unexpected Places

Where do you feel closest to God?

Is it in a quiet, serene setting like a garden or flowery meadow??

Maybe it is in your living room with a cup of coffee in hand during the early morning hours.

What about in the back corner of a cozy coffee shop or when you are singing hymns in church?

All of these are good answers to the question, and, honestly, there are no wrong answers. Everyone is different and everyone experiences closeness with God in a different way.

Finding Blessings Through My Sight Loss

When I was about 10 years old, I experienced one of the scariest moments of my life.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and I was on horseback, my favorite place on earth. While riding through an open pasture with my sister, my horse suddenly got spooked and took off at a full gallop.

I considered myself a pretty seasoned equestrian at the time, but this sudden increase in speed took me by surprise and, before I knew it, I was literally hanging upside down beneath the horse’s neck.

Seeking God When You're Burnt Out

I honestly can’t believe I’m writing this, but happy May! 

This year is seriously flying by so fast, and it has been a whirlwind for me. 

Between speaking engagements, graduate school, family life, and other responsibilities, it seems as though I hardly have time to eat, breathe, or sleep! 

Can any of you relate? Are you in a season that is so busy that you simply cannot find the time to slow down?

How to Find Peace and Strength Through Prayer

When someone lives through a life-changing event or trauma, like I did when I lost my sight, people often wonder how they are able to keep moving and carry on with life. 

I often get asked how I deal with all of the challenges and hardships that my blindness can cause and how I was able to face this sudden change in my life with strength and determination

The answer…. Prayer. 

At that point in my life, it’s not that I was the strongest Christian.

I grew up in church and went through the motions, but I did not have a real personal relationship with Christ, and my prayer life was practically nonexistent.

3 Ways to Fully Depend on God

I have always considered myself as being pretty independent.

From the time I was a little girl, I remember being completely content just doing my own thing. I had no problem exploring in the woods with just my dog for company, playing in my room on my own, and otherwise keeping myself entertained.

Should We Thank God For “Unanswered” Prayers?

One implication of my blindness that I don’t think I will ever get used to is its impact on social interactions.

When I am in a conversation with someone, I cannot read their body language, and this is a pretty important aspect!

As a result, it can be hard to know if I have their attention, if they are distracted, or even if they have walked off and left the conversation all together!

In situations like this, I often end up feeling unheard and unanswered.

We all know how it feels to see that a text message or Facebook message has been read, but ignored.

New Season: Exciting Life Update!

Spring is quickly approaching, and with it will come the changes and promises of a new season.

Flowers bloom, the weather gets warmer, and we can finally start to venture out of our cozy winter cocoon of blankets and fleece!

The weather is not the only thing that has been changing for me recently.

My life has been undergoing a season of change that has brought sad goodbyes, exciting new endeavors, and a whirlwind of emotions.

I wanted to let you in on what God has been teaching me through it all.

Can I Live for God from the Inside Out?

We all are guilty of making some questionable decisions when we are young.

Am I right?

Especially in high school, we get pulled into strange fashion trends, risky behavior in an effort to fit in, and going to great lengths in order to be seen as appealing to others.

When I was a senior in high school, I let one of my friends talk me into dying my hair. My natural color, a dirty blonde shade, had never been touched with color before, but I wanted it to be blonder.

Thus, the bleaching and dying began.

When Grief Makes Us Feel Like a Grinch

2015 was the first year that I ever remember not looking forward to Christmas.

It had always been my absolute favorite holiday, filled with family traditions, magical memories, and lots of Christmas cookies!

That year, however, as the season approached, I began to dread adorning the tree with lights, watching my favorite holiday movies, and enjoying all of the beautiful decorations.


Because I wouldn’t be able to see any of it.

Press Pause and Press Into God

I love entertaining at my house, but I’ll be honest, it can also be exhausting! There are so many things to think about and prepare.

I have to make sure the house is clean, provide food and refreshments, and gather games, movies, or other sources of entertainment.

The work does not end when the company arrives, either.

Once the party starts, I always find myself rushing around, making sure that everyone has what they need and is having a good time.

With all of this hustle and bustle, it is hard to even visit with my guests.

Sometimes, I just wish that I had a remote control for life so that I could hit the pause button and have the time to enjoy the moment!

In Luke 10, Martha faced a similar situation.

She had a very special guest coming to her home…Jesus!

Can you imagine?

I would probably be a nervous wreck if Jesus was coming over to my house for dinner.

Like many of us do when we are preparing for guests, Martha, even after Jesus arrived, hurried around in frenzied preparation.

Where Can I Run?

Sweat was pouring down his forehead. His knuckles were turning white, and he was struggling in his seat as he began to raise his voice saying,

Get me out of here!”

We had just screeched to a halt after twisting, flipping, and racing through the Batman roller coaster, and it was taking a little too long for us to be unloaded from the tangle of seatbelts and safety restraints.

I’ve always wondered why my dad insisted on taking us to Six Flags every year before school started because this always seemed to happen. He would inevitably become severely claustrophobic on one…or several…of the attractions.