God Knows You Better than You Know Yourself
When we say that we “know” someone, what does that mean?
We usually describe that person using labels and identities.
“She is a doctor, a mother, a runner.”
But what happens when we change jobs, graduate college, or become injured and can no longer run?
What happens when changes occur and we can no longer identify with the labels we were previously known by?
When this happens, it can feel like an identity crisis.
Trust me, I’ve experienced it firsthand, and I know just how much big changes in our lives can impact what we are known by and how we know ourselves. After I lost my sight suddenly in 2015 at age twenty, the majority of the labels which I had previously been known by disappeared.
Sara Claudia being silly with her Berry College Equestrian team (she is the last on the right).
I had been a nationally ranked equestrian on my college team.
Not anymore.
I had been a rising senior getting ready to graduate.
No longer.
I was a girlfriend and popular girl on campus, but even those labels faded quickly.
I felt as though I had completely lost sight of myself.
As John 10:14 tells us, though, Christ knows His flock, and He knew me even when I had no idea who I was any longer.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me.” (John 10:14)
So, what does it mean to be known by God?
I love this passage from Psalms 139 and how it illustrates God’s knowledge about His children.
“I could ask the darkness to hide the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.” (Psalm 139:11-12)
It seems as though the darkest times in our lives are when we lose sight of ourselves the most.
For the first 20 years of my life, I had always identified myself in relation to my favorite sport, horseback riding.
Sara Claudia at a horse show in college.
When I lost my sight, I could no longer ride, show, or compete in the same capacity as I had before, and this took a huge toll on me. I didn’t really know who I was without the team, days spent at practice, and weekends spent at horse shows.
This scripture tells us though that, through each loss, God still knows and sees us. He knows our thoughts, our worries, and our hearts.
This is so comforting, isn’t it?
Even if we attempt to hide in the darkness that our hardships are causing, God can still find us.
There is no place we could go and no change we could make that would keep God from knowing us fully and honestly.
On the flip side, this idea can be kind of scary and intimidating. It means that God knows us even when we do or think things that we are not proud of during those dark, hard times.
When I was struggling after losing my sight, I definitely was not always proud of my actions.
I lashed out in anger and frustration and spoke poorly of those who were still living the life I had lost.
Honestly, I was so envious of everyone around me who could see and who seemed to be continuing on with life while I felt so stuck.
I didn’t want to hear about my friends’ accomplishments on the team, read about the show results on social media, or even get on a horse and ride.
I was bitter, and it showed.
However, we can read in Psalms 139 that, no matter how lost we may feel or act, God is always close by to lead us back.
“If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.” (Psalm 139:9-10)
Even when we are far away and are unsure of who we are, we can find rest in the fact that God, our maker, always has a plan for us.
Sara Claudia speaking to a crowd in Lincolnton, GA.
Trusting God’s guidance and leaning on His strength was how I found purpose and security in myself after losing my sight. I had to reconcile with the fact that those worldly labels that I had held in such high regard were gone, and I had to move forward.
What I realized was that, those labels, star athlete, girlfriend, college senior, were not that important anyway.
What really mattered was my heart, which God knew all along.
“O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.” (Psalms 139:1)
Ultimately, through trusting God’s plan and forging a relationship with Him, I was able to find that identity that I thought I lost in Him.
Worldly labels, relationships, and circumstances can come and go, but God is ever-present.
When you face changes in your life and feel unsure about your path or who you are, as I did after going blind, turn to God.
He can guide you on the path that he has already laid ahead of you, and we can take comfort in the fact that God, our maker, knows us so much better than we know ourselves.
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David Pollard at Raymond James Partners Financial Group, which specializes in helping families and businesses manage their investments so that they can spend their time where it matters most.
Tillman Eye Center, which serves Carrollton, GA with a wide range of optometry services in a professional and comfortable environment with staff who care.
Plaza Home Care, a medical supply and equipment company located in downtown Villa Rica, where they are big enough to serve you and small enough to care about you. Plaza Home Care is committed to providing you and your family with quality medical equipment, such as CPAP compression hoses, walkers, lift chairs, and more. The staff are sure to earn your trust as they listen to your needs, follow through on their word, and provide uncompromising levels of customer care.