Should We Thank God For “Unanswered” Prayers?
One implication of my blindness that I don’t think I will ever get used to is its impact on social interactions.
When I am in a conversation with someone, I cannot read their body language, and this is a pretty important aspect!
As a result, it can be hard to know if I have their attention, if they are distracted, or even if they have walked off and left the conversation all together!
In situations like this, I often end up feeling unheard and unanswered.
We all know how it feels to see that a text message or Facebook message has been read, but ignored.
Or to time and time again have our phone calls and voicemails remain unanswered.
Why doesn’t that person want to talk to me?
Is what I have to say not important to them?
Do they just not care?
A wooden table zoomed in with a group of people on their laptops and phones.
Some people think that God works the same way.
That He leaves some prayers unanswered or ignores others completely.
Some might even say that I am living proof of this claim. I have prayed relentlessly for my sight to return. And I know that there have been countless others who have done the same.
Regardless of our efforts, I have not been healed.
Is God ignoring our pleas?
Does He not care about what we have to say?
In Matthew 15, Jesus encounters a woman who, despite being a Gentile (not Jewish), begs for His mercy and miraculous hand.
“A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading, ‘Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter is possessed by a demon that torments her severely.’”
(Matthew 15:22)
Jesus, however, did not answer the woman in the way she expected.
In fact, at first, He didn’t answer her at all!
“But Jesus gave her no reply, not even a word.”
(Matthew 15:23)
Was Jesus ignoring her?
Because of her heritage, did He think that her request was not worth acknowledging?
As the woman persisted, Jesus gave this response:
“I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep- the people of Israel.”
(Matthew 15:24)
As someone not from Israel, you see, the woman did not fit this category.
In response to Jesus’s rebuttal, however, the woman did not turn away in anger or blame.
Zoomed in on a woman’s arms and hands worshipping the Lord.
Instead, she worshipped Him.
“But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, ‘Lord, help me!’”
(Matthew 15:25)
Again, Jesus replied in a way that might have sent most people retreating in defeat.
“Jesus responded, ‘It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.’” (Matthew 15:26)
Was Jesus testing the woman?
Since she was not from Israel and not a Jew, would the woman retreat, believing that she was not worthy of the miracles and promises that came from God’s Son?
But the woman responded by further admitting and revealing her faith in Christ.
“She replied, ‘That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.’”
(Matthew 15:27)
Despite being a descendant of Israel’s ancient enemy, the Canaanites, the woman still recognized Jesus as her leader, and longed for the mercy, grace, and power that she knew He possessed for all people.
And because of her faith…
“‘Dear woman,’ Jesus said to her, ‘Your faith is great. Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was instantly healed.”
(Matthew 15:28)
What are you requesting from God today?
Relief from an illness, a promising new opportunity, a way to relieve financial struggles?
If it seems as though God is not answering you, or He is answering you in a different manner than you expected, remember the Gentile woman from this story.
Instead of retreating in disappointment like many of us do when we feel unheard, this woman went to great lengths to display her faith in Christ.
She continued to worship Jesus, even in a crowd of people who were pleading with Him to send her away.
Neither Jesus’s lack of answers to her plea nor the displeasure of the ones around her could break her faith.
In my own life, God has not yet answered my prayers for physical healing.
However, I firmly believe that He answered this prayer in a completely different way…by healing me spiritually as my faith grew.
He helped me to learn what it meant to truly know Him, trust Him, and rely on His strength, mercy, and love.
Hands folded together resting on a blurred out Bible in prayer.
If you are feeling unheard or unanswered by God today, keep praying and being persistent, because, of course, He is listening, and He cares.
As you present your requests to God, allow your faith to be tested, to grow, and to be seen by all, just like the Gentile woman.
In time, the intentions of God’s words will become clear, because, the truth is, He never leaves a prayer unanswered.