All tagged Prayer

How to Find Peace and Strength Through Prayer

When someone lives through a life-changing event or trauma, like I did when I lost my sight, people often wonder how they are able to keep moving and carry on with life. 

I often get asked how I deal with all of the challenges and hardships that my blindness can cause and how I was able to face this sudden change in my life with strength and determination

The answer…. Prayer. 

At that point in my life, it’s not that I was the strongest Christian.

I grew up in church and went through the motions, but I did not have a real personal relationship with Christ, and my prayer life was practically nonexistent.

Should We Thank God For “Unanswered” Prayers?

One implication of my blindness that I don’t think I will ever get used to is its impact on social interactions.

When I am in a conversation with someone, I cannot read their body language, and this is a pretty important aspect!

As a result, it can be hard to know if I have their attention, if they are distracted, or even if they have walked off and left the conversation all together!

In situations like this, I often end up feeling unheard and unanswered.

We all know how it feels to see that a text message or Facebook message has been read, but ignored.

God Can Use Where You Are

As the new year grew closer, I read and heard quite a few statements about the approaching transition into 2021.

It seemed as though everyone craved a fresh start and the opportunity to leave 2020 behind along with all of its troubles and hardships.

I’m right there with you!

2020 was challenging for everyone, to say the least, and I’m truly hoping that 2021 will be better.

If we’re being honest, though, we are bound to face the same difficulties and even some new ones this year.

A Prayer-Filled Proposal

Seth and I had been dating for 10 months before we finally settled in, had a serious discussion, and began incorporating the word “marriage” into our daily conversations.

When we got engaged a month later and began planning a wedding for just 5 months down the road, many people were shocked, to say the least.

Even though it seemed like a whirlwind, it wasn’t a decision that either of us made lightly.

Often times, when we face big decisions in our lives, we need advice or guidance.

Where do you go to receive this feedback?