Can I Win the Waiting Game?
They say, “Good things come to those who wait!”… but waiting can be so hard!
Whether you are striving for an end to a difficult season or are anticipating an exciting event, feeling like a player in the “waiting game” can be a struggle.
In my own life, I have been stuck in a “waiting season” for a few months.
I have some pretty exciting events that I am anticipating, and the sense of impatience is very real!
Sara Claudia and Seth sitting in the grass in front of the big tree smiling at the camera.
In December of last year, I got engaged.
Since that day, I have been anxiously awaiting the beginning of a happy, love-filled new life with my future husband, Seth.
While waiting for this day has been challenging, at least there is an end in sight…May 22.
I cannot say the same for the other highly anticipated event that I am waiting on right now…
The arrival of my very first guide dog from Leader Dogs for the Blind!
I was ecstatic when I found out that I had been accepted into training, but that news also came with a lot of unknowns.
How long would it take for me to be matched with a dog?
How many other clients were ahead of me in line anxiously awaiting their own leader dog?
When would my class date be? A month, 2 months, six months from now?
With a guide dog, I will have so much more independence and confidence when walking alone, and I am looking forward to this new sense of freedom.
I cannot wait to finally have my furry partner by my side…and no, I’m not talking about Seth here…still talking about my dog!
A Golden Retriever Leader Dog in training.
In Genesis, God made Abraham a pretty exciting promise.
“And I will give you so many descendants that, like the dust of the earth, they cannot be counted!”
(Genesis 13:16 NLT)
The Lord promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and would have many descendants to carry on his name.
“I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”
(Genesis 12:2-3 NLT)
Now that is something to look forward to, and I’m sure that Abraham was excited for this promise to come to fruition.
However, for years and years afterwards, Abraham was kept in a season of waiting.
In fact, Abraham and his wife did not have their first son, Isaac, until Abraham was 100 years old!
Is there something in your life that you are waiting on?
Those renovations to finally be finished on your home, a raise at your job, the relief from an illness?
I know first-hand just how difficult it can be to have patience, and sometimes we just wish we could take matters into our own hands to speed up the process.
When I am feeling impatient, it always helps me to stop and ask myself this question:
Do I trust God?
Well, of course, the answer is yes.
Then, I list all the ways in which God has showed up for me and been a trustworthy Father.
And, that is quite a long list!
When I remember all the miraculous ways in which God has worked in my life, I can’t help but smile.
You see, God is trustworthy, and when we are patient, we show that we truly believe this fact.
Patience shows trust in God’s provision, protection, and perfect timing.
Just look at how he showed up for Abraham in Genesis 21.
“The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. She became pregnant and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would.”
(Genesis 21:1-2 NLT)
So, if you are in a season of waiting today, take comfort in the fact that, yes, you can win that waiting game!
You can refuel your faith in the Lord as you remember all the wonderful works He has already done in your life.
Furthermore, you can build your trust in Him as you stay patient and see what wonders He has in store for you down the road.