All tagged Wedding

A Challenge to Focus on the Unseen

If you were to walk into my house, one of the first things that you would notice would be all the pictures. 

Wedding pictures, engagement photos, snapshots from my travels, and photographs of family adorn the walls, shelves, and mantle. 

I have always loved pictures. Before I lost my sight, and, yes, even after.

The third anniversary of my wedding is today, and one of my favorite things to do is to sit and look over all the pictures from our perfect day. 

How do I do this without my sight you may be wondering? 

For my digital photos, I have descriptions of the pictures typed out, which my screen reader will read aloud as I select an image. 

Do Your April Showers Bring You May Flowers?

April showers bring May flowers.”

It’s a saying we all have heard, and we know it is true.

The wet, dreary weather we tend to endure in early spring gives way to a beautiful array of vibrant colors and energizing scents as time passes.

While the rain is not a welcome occurrence, it is necessary for the beauty that we all look forward to each year.

This fun, familiar saying reminds me of a Bible verse found in Romans chapter 8.

Wedded Bliss Despite Our Differences

My wedding date is rapidly approaching, and I can just about hear the bells ringing!

In fact, I will be saying “I do” in just 3 days!

Throughout our engagement, Seth and I have learned a lot about each other.

As we have spent more time together, endured the stress of planning a wedding, suffered personal losses, and explored the foundation of our relationship in pre-marital counseling, the good and the not-so-good parts of both of us have been revealed.

One of the most enlightening and important things we have learned is just how different we truly are.

Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen

If you were to walk into my house, one of the first things that you would notice would be all the pictures.

Wedding pictures, engagement photos, snapshots from my travels, and photographs of family adorn the walls, shelves, and mantle.

I have always loved pictures. Before I lost my sight, and, yes, even after.

The one-year anniversary of my wedding is rapidly approaching, and one of my favorite things to do is to sit and look over all the pictures from our perfect day.

How do I do this without my sight you may be wondering?

Wedding Bells

My wedding date is rapidly approaching, and I can just about hear the bells ringing!

In fact, I will be saying “I do” in just 3 days!

Throughout our engagement, Seth and I have learned a lot about each other.

As we have spent more time together, endured the stress of planning a wedding, suffered personal losses, and explored the foundation of our relationship in pre-marital counseling, the good and the not-so-good parts of both of us have been revealed.

One of the most enlightening and important things we have learned is just how different we truly are.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers.”

It’s a saying we all have heard, and we know it is true.

The wet, dreary weather we tend to endure in early spring gives way to a beautiful array of vibrant colors and energizing scents as time passes.

While the rain is not a welcome occurrence, it is necessary for the beauty that we all look forward to each year.

This fun, familiar saying reminds me of a Bible verse found in Romans chapter 8.

Can I Win the Waiting Game?

They say, “Good things come to those who wait!”…but waiting can be so hard!

Whether you are striving for an end to a difficult season or are anticipating an exciting event, feeling like a player in the “waiting game” can be a struggle.

In my own life, I have been stuck in a “waiting season” for a few months.

I have some pretty exciting events that I am anticipating, and the sense of impatience is very real!