Finding a Home in Jesus - with Erica Rivers

I don’t know about you, but I’m a homebody.

I love getting out of the house but as soon as I hit my social interaction limit for the day, I’m ready to go home, throw on my jammies, take off my makeup, and jump into my soft, fluffy bed.

But lately, I’ve found myself in an uncomfortable predicament.

I don’t have a place to call “home” right now.

You see, my sweet husband, Jackson, was recently offered his dream job in his hometown, and we were both praising Jesus and happy dancing as soon as we got the call!

Can I Win the Waiting Game?

They say, “Good things come to those who wait!”…but waiting can be so hard!

Whether you are striving for an end to a difficult season or are anticipating an exciting event, feeling like a player in the “waiting game” can be a struggle.

In my own life, I have been stuck in a “waiting season” for a few months.

I have some pretty exciting events that I am anticipating, and the sense of impatience is very real!

What Do I Deserve?

When I entered this world in May of 1994, to say that my mom and dad had their hands full would be an understatement.

While preparing to welcome their third child, they were also busy wrangling twin toddlers.

I’m sure they were excited, anxious, and just a bit exhausted by the time I made my appearance.

Not only had they spent the last nine months caring for me as I grew in my mom’s tummy, but they had also committed themselves to a lifetime of physical and emotional care for yet another child.

New Season: Exciting Life Update!

Spring is quickly approaching, and with it will come the changes and promises of a new season.

Flowers bloom, the weather gets warmer, and we can finally start to venture out of our cozy winter cocoon of blankets and fleece!

The weather is not the only thing that has been changing for me recently.

My life has been undergoing a season of change that has brought sad goodbyes, exciting new endeavors, and a whirlwind of emotions.

I wanted to let you in on what God has been teaching me through it all.

God, Is That You?

One of the phrases I have grown to dread most after losing my sight is, “Guess who!”

Without visual cues, it can be so hard to identify someone by their voice, especially when I am in a crowded room or when the voice belongs to someone who I do not speak with often.

There are some people, like family members and close friends, who I can immediately recognize as soon as they utter one word, but this is definitely not the case with everyone.

As Christians, a question we all have from time to time is, “God, is that you?”

Drown Out The Noise, Amplify His Voice

When I lost my sight in both eyes in 2015, I also completely lost hearing in my left ear.

While I do not write as often about this aspect of my disability, it still impacts my life in many ways.

Thankfully, the hearing in my right ear was not damaged, so I still have relatively good hearing overall.

However, when you combine my sight loss with my partial hearing loss, things can get pretty tricky!

I have a hard time hearing any soft noises that originate on my left side, and it took me a long time to get used to only holding the phone up to my right ear.

Can I Listen When I Am Lost?

Throughout my journey with blindness, I have learned many lessons.

Lessons that could be applied not only to my sight loss but to grief, relationships, and even to God.

While learning how to navigate the world without my sight using a white cane, one of the first techniques I was taught was how to use my ears.

At street crossings, I was instructed how to pay close attention to the sounds of traffic. By doing so, I could determine whether traffic was flowing, the direction the cars were moving, and if it was safe for me to cross the street.

While memorizing various routes from point A to point B, I was taught how to identify audible landmarks in the same way that sighted individuals may identify street signs or familiar sights.

Am I Walking By Faith or Fear?

When I am not using my white cane as a mobility tool, I must rely on another person to be my “sighted guide”…

This means that, as I hold on to my companion’s elbow, they lead me around obstacles and along a safe, clear path.

At least, that is the intention!

In this way, I can navigate by feeling how the other person moves as well as by relying on their verbal directions and cues.

Am I Moldable in God’s Hands?

When I was little, I was a bit different from many of my friends.

I never donned a dance leotard, ballet slippers, gymnast suit, or cheerleader uniform.

No, I was more comfortable in boots, brushing ponies, and riding in a dusty arena.

I did try gymnastics lessons once, though.

Quickly, I realized it wasn’t for me.

In an attempt to find an excuse to gracefully bow out of the sport, I told my parents that I didn’t want to do gymnastics anymore because my instructor had a ponytail…it was the logic of a 5-year-old, but it worked!

So, I never learned how to do a cartwheel, stand on my hands, or be flexible.

Can I Live for God from the Inside Out?

We all are guilty of making some questionable decisions when we are young.

Am I right?

Especially in high school, we get pulled into strange fashion trends, risky behavior in an effort to fit in, and going to great lengths in order to be seen as appealing to others.

When I was a senior in high school, I let one of my friends talk me into dying my hair. My natural color, a dirty blonde shade, had never been touched with color before, but I wanted it to be blonder.

Thus, the bleaching and dying began.

God Can Use Where You Are

As the new year grew closer, I read and heard quite a few statements about the approaching transition into 2021.

It seemed as though everyone craved a fresh start and the opportunity to leave 2020 behind along with all of its troubles and hardships.

I’m right there with you!

2020 was challenging for everyone, to say the least, and I’m truly hoping that 2021 will be better.

If we’re being honest, though, we are bound to face the same difficulties and even some new ones this year.

New Year, Same God

Did you know that the tradition of New Year’s resolutions is actually thought to date back to the ancient Babylonians?

About 4,000 years ago, these people would make promises to their gods in hopes that they could keep their word and find favor in the eyes of their idols.

Our resolutions today are not that different.

We make promises to ourselves in hopes to better our careers, health, or relationships in the year to come.

We hope that, if we keep these vows of change, the year will be favorable for us.

For many people, the new year represents a fresh start and a chance to reinvent ourselves.

After the tumultuous year that 2020 has been, I think that we all are craving a little change.

When Grief Makes Us Feel Like a Grinch

2015 was the first year that I ever remember not looking forward to Christmas.

It had always been my absolute favorite holiday, filled with family traditions, magical memories, and lots of Christmas cookies!

That year, however, as the season approached, I began to dread adorning the tree with lights, watching my favorite holiday movies, and enjoying all of the beautiful decorations.


Because I wouldn’t be able to see any of it.

A Prayer-Filled Proposal

Seth and I had been dating for 10 months before we finally settled in, had a serious discussion, and began incorporating the word “marriage” into our daily conversations.

When we got engaged a month later and began planning a wedding for just 5 months down the road, many people were shocked, to say the least.

Even though it seemed like a whirlwind, it wasn’t a decision that either of us made lightly.

Often times, when we face big decisions in our lives, we need advice or guidance.

Where do you go to receive this feedback?

Pursuing Peace in the Panic

Jazz and Jambalaya, bayous and banana foster’s, Cajun cooking, and riverboat cruising.

New Orleans has long since been on my travel bucket list, and I was so excited to finally get to visit a few months back with my parents.

Now, we all know that NOLA has a bit of a reputation, and, before my arrival, I braced myself for the noise and chaos that I would inevitably encounter on Bourbon Street.

Am I Thankful in All Circumstances?

Sweet potato casserole, dressing, turkey, and loads of pumpkin pie.

Mmmm…I love Thanksgiving!

The roots of my family tree run deep in the soil of the South.

As Southerners, we pride ourselves on being able to cook up some good ole’ finger licking’ food, and this ability really shines through at Thanksgiving.

As I dig into the skillfully prepared meal while surrounded by family that I do not get to see often, I cannot help but feel grateful for all of the blessings in my life.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind


We push it under the bed, sweep it under the rug, and bury it in the deep depths of our closets.

Don’t try to deny it, we are all guilty of it!

This was exactly what my sister, Beth, was doing while unpacking from a week-long trip. With a busy, chatty one-year-old, she doesn’t really have time to do too much organizing.

While stuffing some things away, she caught herself saying, “Out of sight, out of mind”.

Do I Measure Up?

Have you ever felt as though you do not quite measure up?

When you look around, you can’t help but think that you are not as good-looking, happy, or successful as the rest of your peers.

Your clothes are not as nice, your marriage or relationship isn’t as strong, and you didn’t get that promotion.

Sometimes, it feels like it is just part of our nature to compare, conform, and crave the attainment of worldly standards.

Press Pause and Press Into God

I love entertaining at my house, but I’ll be honest, it can also be exhausting! There are so many things to think about and prepare.

I have to make sure the house is clean, provide food and refreshments, and gather games, movies, or other sources of entertainment.

The work does not end when the company arrives, either.

Once the party starts, I always find myself rushing around, making sure that everyone has what they need and is having a good time.

With all of this hustle and bustle, it is hard to even visit with my guests.

Sometimes, I just wish that I had a remote control for life so that I could hit the pause button and have the time to enjoy the moment!

In Luke 10, Martha faced a similar situation.

She had a very special guest coming to her home…Jesus!

Can you imagine?

I would probably be a nervous wreck if Jesus was coming over to my house for dinner.

Like many of us do when we are preparing for guests, Martha, even after Jesus arrived, hurried around in frenzied preparation.

Where Can I Run?

Sweat was pouring down his forehead. His knuckles were turning white, and he was struggling in his seat as he began to raise his voice saying,

Get me out of here!”

We had just screeched to a halt after twisting, flipping, and racing through the Batman roller coaster, and it was taking a little too long for us to be unloaded from the tangle of seatbelts and safety restraints.

I’ve always wondered why my dad insisted on taking us to Six Flags every year before school started because this always seemed to happen. He would inevitably become severely claustrophobic on one…or several…of the attractions.