It is FINALLY book release month! That’s right!
My new book, Whom Shall I Fear? 30 Days of Christ-Centered Courage, is releasing on November 23rd!
I’ve teased y’all with a few of the devotions, but haven’t fully explained what the book entails…
Here’s a quick description:
“As Christ’s body, we are made beautifully diverse. We have all been blessed with different abilities, gifts, and callings with which to glorify God.
Despite these differences, we have similarities as well. One of which is that, at some point in our lives, we have all fallen victim to fear.
Each of us knows what it feels like to be plagued by the heart-wrenching sensation which can separate us from the assurance and peace that Christ has promised us.
God’s word tells us repeatedly, however, to resist fear.
In fact, in the Bible, the phrase “Do not be afraid” is written hundreds of times.
Over the next 30 days, we will dive into scripture to learn how, with Christ’s courage to strengthen us, we really have nothing to fear.”
P.S. What do you think about the book cover??
Text that says, “This blog is sponsored by:”
David Pollard at Raymond James Partners Financial Group, which specializes in helping families and businesses manage their investments so that they can spend their time where it matters most.
Tillman Eye Center, which serves Carrollton, GA with a wide range of optometry services in a professional and comfortable environment with staff who care.
Plaza Home Care, a medical supply and equipment company located in downtown Villa Rica, where they are big enough to serve you and small enough to care about you. Plaza Home Care is committed to providing you and your family with quality medical equipment, such as CPAP compression hoses, walkers, lift chairs, and more. The staff are sure to earn your trust as they listen to your needs, follow through on their word, and provide uncompromising levels of customer care.