Are You Listening to God?
Throughout my journey with blindness, I have learned many lessons.
Lessons that could be applied not only to my sight loss but to grief, relationships, and even to God.
While learning to navigate the world without my sight using a white cane, one of the first techniques I was taught was how to use my ears.
At street crossings, I was instructed on how to pay close attention to the sounds of traffic. By doing so, I could determine whether traffic was flowing, the direction the cars were moving, and if it was safe for me to cross the street.
While memorizing various routes from point A to point B, I was taught how to identify audible landmarks in the same way that sighted individuals may identify street signs or familiar sights.
Sara Claudia from behind walking with her white cane.
I was even taught how to problem-solve with my ears If I ever got lost, and, I’ll admit, this has happened numerous times.
The first time that I became truly lost was, thankfully, during a training session.
So, I did have someone there with me.
However, orientation and mobility instructors, whose job it is to teach the blind how to navigate safely and efficiently, are notorious for growing silent when their students get into trouble. They want their pupils to learn how to problem-solve and get out of sticky situations on their own.
Needless to say, I became so frustrated that I just about burst into tears and started to yell at the same time.
My instructor, noticing my distress, broke her silence and stepped in.
This is what she told me to do: Stop walking, be still, and just listen.
“That’s it?”, I thought.
“That is your grand, insightful advice?”
“How am I ever going to find my way back to the right path if I just stand here?”
As I was being still, she instructed me to simply observe.
I was to listen for the sounds of cars, doors opening and closing, voices, and anything that would give me clues as to where I was and what I should do next.
At that moment, a foundation was laid for an important lesson that would be tested and strengthened over the next several weeks, months, and years.
It was a lesson that was vital not only in relation to my cane travel skills but also for my relationship with God.
In Exodus 14, the Lord helps Moses display a similar notion to the Israelites.
The Egyptians, from whom the Israelites were fleeing, had caught up to them, and the people cried out in panic. They were frightened and began to shout with accusations and regrets to their leader.
Then, Moses gave them this command,
“But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:13-14)
Graphic with Sara Claudia Ministries logo that says, ..."Just stop, be still, and listen."
You see, the lesson that God taught to me and to the Israelites is that, when life becomes unfamiliar, uncertain, or scary, the best thing we can do is just stop, be still, and listen.
Instead of rushing forward and becoming more and more lost, when we take the time to survey our surroundings and look for God’s hand, and listen for His voice, we can gain so much comfort, clarity, and guidance.
Of course, when you are lost on a busy sidewalk or being pursued by a powerful army, being still can only last for so long.
But God only needs a second to help us discern our next steps, just as He did for the Israelites.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you calling out to me? Tell the people to get moving! Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground.” (Exoduses 14:15-16)
I challenge you today to take the time to be still and listen to God’s instructions through whatever you are facing.
I guarantee that He will deliver you safely onto dryer, more familiar ground.
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David Pollard at Raymond James Partners Financial Group, which specializes in helping families and businesses manage their investments so that they can spend their time where it matters most.
Tillman Eye Center, which serves Carrollton, GA with a wide range of optometry services in a professional and comfortable environment with staff who care.
Plaza Home Care, a medical supply and equipment company located in downtown Villa Rica, where they are big enough to serve you and small enough to care about you. Plaza Home Care is committed to providing you and your family with quality medical equipment, such as CPAP compression hoses, walkers, lift chairs, and more. The staff are sure to earn your trust as they listen to your needs, follow through on their word, and provide uncompromising levels of customer care.