All tagged Grief

Are You Listening to God?

Throughout my journey with blindness, I have learned many lessons.

Lessons that could be applied not only to my sight loss but to grief, relationships, and even to God.

While learning to navigate the world without my sight using a white cane, one of the first techniques I was taught was how to use my ears.

At street crossings, I was instructed on how to pay close attention to the sounds of traffic. By doing so, I could determine whether traffic was flowing, the direction the cars were moving, and if it was safe for me to cross the street.

Stuck Between a Rock & a Hard Place

Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation?

One of those “between a rock and a hard place” kind of circumstances that just seem impossible to wriggle out of.

Let’s face it, some problems that we find ourselves faced with are simply impossible for us to change, no matter how hard we try.

My blindness, along with all of the struggles that accompany it, is one of those situations for me.

As much as I wish I could, I cannot bring my sight back.

It is a circumstance that I cannot change and if I’m being honest, this makes me pretty angry at times.

Ria Story, a leadership speaker, trainer, and author, says, “We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond to it.”

Can I Listen When I Am Lost?

Throughout my journey with blindness, I have learned many lessons.

Lessons that could be applied not only to my sight loss but to grief, relationships, and even to God.

While learning how to navigate the world without my sight using a white cane, one of the first techniques I was taught was how to use my ears.

At street crossings, I was instructed how to pay close attention to the sounds of traffic. By doing so, I could determine whether traffic was flowing, the direction the cars were moving, and if it was safe for me to cross the street.

While memorizing various routes from point A to point B, I was taught how to identify audible landmarks in the same way that sighted individuals may identify street signs or familiar sights.