All tagged Ephesians

Wedded Bliss Despite Our Differences

My wedding date is rapidly approaching, and I can just about hear the bells ringing!

In fact, I will be saying “I do” in just 3 days!

Throughout our engagement, Seth and I have learned a lot about each other.

As we have spent more time together, endured the stress of planning a wedding, suffered personal losses, and explored the foundation of our relationship in pre-marital counseling, the good and the not-so-good parts of both of us have been revealed.

One of the most enlightening and important things we have learned is just how different we truly are.

What is the Helmet of Salvation?

When I was about 6 years old, I attended a summer camp at a local farm.

This was the beginning of my horse obsession.

One of the first lessons at camp taught us about the necessary equipment, both for the horse and for the rider.

The horse must be equipped with a saddle, saddle pad, girth, and bridle.

The rider must be equipped with proper riding attire such as breeches (pants), boots, gloves, and a helmet.

What is the Gospel of Peace?

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15, ESV)

I have been blessed to be able to travel quite a bit in my lifetime.

I love exploring new places and cultures.

All of my adventures have been so different, but each have one thing in common…a lot of walking!

While traversing a new destination, you learn just how important it is to have sturdy, reliable, and comfortable shoes on your feet. You can be as healthy and in shape as an Olympic athlete, but blisters or aching feet can bring down even the best of us and leave us missing out on precious sightseeing time!

Putting on the New Self for the New Year

I used to love rearranging the furniture in my bedroom when I was younger.

My parents were constantly hearing noises of furniture being rolled or scraped across the floor above their heads. I have had to let this beloved pastime go since losing my sight.

Honestly, rearranged furniture is now one of my worst nightmares!

It would take me forever to get used to the changes, and thinking about all of the accompanying bumps and bruises makes me cringe!

Wedding Bells

My wedding date is rapidly approaching, and I can just about hear the bells ringing!

In fact, I will be saying “I do” in just 3 days!

Throughout our engagement, Seth and I have learned a lot about each other.

As we have spent more time together, endured the stress of planning a wedding, suffered personal losses, and explored the foundation of our relationship in pre-marital counseling, the good and the not-so-good parts of both of us have been revealed.

One of the most enlightening and important things we have learned is just how different we truly are.