My Untold Sight Loss Journey - Part 2
This week, as I continue with my series containing untold stories from the years following my sight loss, I hope you enjoy these installments from 2017 and 2018!
In May of 2017, my mom, sister, and I took the trip of a lifetime to Hawaii.
While exploring the beautiful state, we had many adventures including hiking and ziplining.
On the beach, one day, my sister and I decided to try something that I had never done before sighted or blind… Kayaking in the ocean.
Kayaking is one of those activities that, while observing, looks easy, but once you are doing the paddling, you gain a whole new perspective.
While being tossed amongst the waves, my sister and I both paddled vigorously; screaming “left” and then “right” to synchronize our rowing. All of this was very entertaining to the spectators on the beach.
Unfortunately, despite our valiant efforts, we found ourselves unable to move the small vessel against the current. We were stuck.
It was humorous at first, but our laughter soon transformed into hysterical exhaustion as our arms burned with the strain of trying to fight against the water. Eventually, we just gave up and let the waves slowly deposit us back onto the shore.
Sara Claudia and her sister, Beth, smiling at the camera while in Hawaii.
Thinking back on this experience not only makes me smile but also reminds me of how we often must fight through the choppy currents in our lives.
Trials and challenges are bound to arise that we cannot seem to navigate, overcome, or push through, no matter how hard we try.
While it is always important to do our best to discern God’s voice and guidance in our lives, it can be especially helpful during such hardships.
I have learned that God is always willing and ready to help us through those rough waves and sometimes He may want us to simply let go and drift as He works for us, other times He may want us to paddle in an entirely different direction.
In these instances, He will always give us the strength to do so, but we must trust and obey His calls of “left,” “right,” or “let go.”
My next story comes from yet another adventure… I am starting to see a theme emerging here!
This time, the destination was California, San Francisco to be exact.
My mom and I booked a trip with an international travel company that specializes in planning trips for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. As a result, we had the opportunity to not only explore a new part of the country but also meet many kind and interesting people from all over the world.
We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge, visited Fisherman’s Wharf, and one of my favorite parts, got to see the home of the “Full House” family!
One of the most memorable experiences, however, was when my mom and I decided to take off and explore the city on our own.
Sara Claudia and her mom, Sally, smiling together while exploring San Francisco.
What was meant to be an easy exploration of the shops surrounding our hotel soon turned into an all-day affair because we got lost!
We traversed through Chinatown, hiked up and down what felt like a hundred miles worth of hills and strolled through Little Italy. While wondering if we would ever make it back to our hotel and feeling exhausted, we stopped at a random coffee shop.
As we reflected on everything we had gotten to see on this unplanned adventure, we sipped on one of the most delicious cappuccinos I have ever tasted. This simple moment, which would not have happened if we had never gotten so lost, is one of our favorite memories from the entire trip.
Thinking about this trip not only makes me want to go back to San Francisco and find that coffee shop, but it also reminds me of the unexpected simple joys that can arise from hardships.
There are many situations in life that can make us feel lost, but if we keep our eyes fixed on God, His presence, and His faithfulness, we are bound to see His hand working in surprising ways through it all.
I pray that you enjoyed these stories and that they made you think of how God’s guidance and presence have brought joy to your own life.
Stay tuned for more from 2019 and 2020!
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David Pollard at Raymond James Partners Financial Group, which specializes in helping families and businesses manage their investments so that they can spend their time where it matters most.
Tillman Eye Center, which serves Carrollton, GA with a wide range of optometry services in a professional and comfortable environment with staff who care.
Plaza Home Care, a medical supply and equipment company located in downtown Villa Rica, where they are big enough to serve you and small enough to care about you. Plaza Home Care is committed to providing you and your family with quality medical equipment, such as CPAP compression hoses, walkers, lift chairs, and more. The staff are sure to earn your trust as they listen to your needs, follow through on their word, and provide uncompromising levels of customer care.