Listening to God's Call
Whenever I speak to large groups, people are always making comments like, “I wouldn’t be able to do that. Don’t you get nervous?”
The answer, honestly, is no.
A friend told me recently, “God doesn’t call the equipped, rather He equips those who are called!” This is so true! God definitely gave me the tools to be able to share my testimony when He called me to do so, and He continues to prepare me for this purpose even today. There are definitely times, though, when I do not receive God’s call as easily or willingly.
There have been times when I have been like Moses at the burning bush.
Do you remember that story?
In Exodus, Chapters 3 and 4, the Lord appears to Moses in the form of a bush that is on fire. He calls Moses to go to Egypt and lead the Israelites, the Lord’s people, out of slavery and to the promised land. Moses is reluctant, though, saying things like, “Who am I to do this?” “I am not equipped with the skills to complete this task” and “The people will not listen to me.” Because, when God calls us to do something out of our comfort zone, it can make us feel uncertain, anxious, or just downright scared.
Here are a few ways that I have been like Moses and how I learned to listen and obey God’s call for my life.
“Who Am I?”
If you had told me five years ago that I would one day be sharing my testimony with others, I would have thought you were crazy!
Testimony, what testimony? Let’s be honest, I didn’t even really know the true meaning of that word.
I grew up in church, was baptized when I was young, and knew what Christians were supposed to do and say. However, I did not have that true personal relationship with Christ and had never spoken publicly about my faith. Even after I lost my sight and I began to renew my faith in God, I still did not think I was worthy to speak about it. My faith was so new, I did not feel “qualified” to share it.
It was pretty obvious when God began calling me to share my story but that doesn’t mean I listened or obeyed right away. When I began praying for a purpose and for God to show me what He wanted to do with this situation, I suddenly began receiving invitations to speak about my journey with blindness.
“I don’t really have a story yet.” “I haven’t accomplished anything yet, maybe I’ll wait until I finish school.” “Wouldn’t it be a better story if I were healed? Let’s wait and see if that happens.”
These were all excuses that passed through my mind when these opportunities began to arise. Moses didn’t feel very qualified either when the Lord first spoke to him. Exodus 3:11 tells us this about how Moses replied when God told him to go and deliver His people from oppression, “But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people out of Egypt?” Each time Moses protested, God replied with phrases such as, “I will be with you” and “I am who I am.”
You see, it wasn’t really about Moses. It was about God, who He was, and the plan He had for Moses and His people.
Similarly, it wasn’t really about me or my story. Rather, it was about God, His glory, and His presence in the midst of my hardships.
Furthermore, Moses was uncertain that the people would believe that God had truly sent him, so God equipped Moses with many signs to show along the way, his staff turning into a snake, his hand being healed instantly from disease, and water from the Nile being turned into blood. He, too, showed me signs of His power by giving me the confidence, passion, and strength to share something so personal as part of His plan for me.
Sara Claudia speaking to a room of business professionals
“Oh Lord, I’m not very good with words…”
When I went to my first speaking engagement, I was so anxious and nervous!
I thought back to my public speaking course in college and every other time I had to present anything in front of a group of people. I remembered how awkward I felt and probably sounded. I just knew that I was going to make a fool of myself, sound really dumb, and make no sense while trying to tell my story. “Is this really what you want me to do, Lord?”, I thought.
Once again, Moses felt the same way… I think we must be kindred spirits or something!
In Exodus 4:10, Moses pleaded with the Lord again saying, “...Oh Lord, I am not very good with words. I never have been and am not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied and my words get tangled.”
I love how God responded in the next two verses, “... Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go. I will be with you as you speak and I will instruct you in what to say.”
Why do we ever question God? He made the heavens and the earth. He made all of the creatures, and He made us! So, of course He can equip us with the ability to do whatever He calls us to do. We simply must trust Him and look to Him for guidance. Before my very first speaking engagement when I was so nervous and even today when I am preparing to speak, I pray for God to give me the words… and He has never let me down.
Sara Claudia speaking at a youth group
“Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.”
Both Moses and I were skeptical about God’s call for our lives and whether someone else would be better suited for the job.
God knew that all we needed was a little support, though.
God prepared Aaron, Moses’s brother, to help him. When Moses pleaded with God to send someone else, God answered in Exodus 4:14 by saying, “... What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he speaks well. And look! He is on his way now. He will be delighted to see you.” Is it a coincidence that Aaron was already on his way? I think not!
God knew that Moses would need support with his call and had prepared Aaron for this purpose. God knew I wouldn’t be able to handle my call on my own either. I am still amazed at the number of people He has prepared for me, each coming when I needed them most.
First, it was my family. God prepared them by making them so strong and by giving them the will to help me face my disability. Next, God sent some pretty special friends at different times during the past five years that have supported me in this profession and throughout my walk with Him. They have each taught me something different and new about my faith that has served me in the various seasons of my life. I definitely would not have had the strength or obedience needed to listen to God’s call if it had not been for them.
It has shown me just how perfect God’s timing is. He is always one step ahead of us, preparing the way. When we think we are alone, we never are. God is always there to guide us, and you never know who He is going to place in your path to help you.
Sara Claudia sitting at her kitchen table on her laptop
Let’s Talk
Do you feel like God is calling you to do something today?
It may be a change in occupation, a call for missions, or simply serving in some way at your church. Are you having trouble listening to that call? Remember that God would not have instructed you to do something that He has not already prepared you for.
Trust Him, His timing, and His plan.
Obey God’s call on your life, and just wait and see what amazing blessings will come from it.