I'm Graduating!
Ever since beginning college in 2012, I have been looking forward to this day: GRADUATION!
Sara Claudia posing in her cap and gown
I couldn’t wait to walk across the stage, shake hands with the college’s elite, and receive my hard-earned diploma. Although I thought this day would come much sooner and under much different circumstances, I am still just as excited...maybe even more.
Honestly, when I lost my sight in 2015, graduating college was the last thing on my mind and there were times that I thought this day would never come. If all had gone according to plan, as it rarely does, I would have graduated in 2016 from Berry College with all of my friends and teammates. I experienced a small setback, however, when I went blind and embarked on a whole new collegiate journey.
During the next 4 years, I would make my grand return to college, transfer schools, change my major, and then change it back again!
In addition, I would learn so much more than the required scholastic criteria. While attending college as someone with a disability, I learned how to advocate for myself, how to succeed in situations that were way out of my comfort zone, and how to persist when all I wanted to do was take the easier path and give up. Not only did I have to meet the rigorous academic standards that were expected for all students, but I also had to ensure that assignments, exams, materials, and the learning experience as a whole was accessible to me.
This was exhausting and frustrating at times but also extremely rewarding.
Sara Claudia posing in her cap and gown
As I walk across the stage in just a few days, I know I will feel an immense amount of relief, pride and excitement. As always, I could never have made it this far without the support of God, my family and friends, and some pretty awesome professors, counselors, and advisors. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.
Now, let’s get me graduated and see what kinds of adventures the next chapter of my life will bring!