All tagged Hope in Jesus

What Are You Thankful For?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

The day when we get to stuff ourselves with turkey, dressing, and sweet potato casserole while being surrounded by family and friends. I honestly cannot think of anything better!

I love Thanksgiving for several reasons.

First, I get to visit with family who I don’t get to see that often.

Second, it means that Christmas is right around the corner.

Third, the food!!!

Fun fact: I actually love Thanksgiving food so much that I had it served at my wedding reception. My favorite? Sweet potato casserole!

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Okay, here’s what we have to do. We’re going to lower ourselves about three feet down into the gully and then climb about four feet up on the other side, and then we have some briars to work through… but it’ll be fine!”

These are the words I heard as my dad and I began hiking back to the watershed lake that sits about a mile behind my childhood home.

The challenge didn’t phase me, though.

I had spent my whole childhood, teenage, and young adult years exploring these woods, and I was excited about the adventure.