All tagged Grace

How to Give Yourself Grace

The last few months of 2022 were hectic, to say the least. 

I started graduate school which completely threw off my normal routine. 

If you know anything about me, you know that following a normal schedule is especially important to me! 

With the onset of this new endeavor, I was forced to reallocate my time, and it was exceedingly difficult. 

I struggled to be available for my ministry, my personal life, and even my relationship with God. 

What Do I Deserve?

When I entered this world in May of 1994, to say that my mom and dad had their hands full would be an understatement.

While preparing to welcome their third child, they were also busy wrangling twin toddlers.

I’m sure they were excited, anxious, and just a bit exhausted by the time I made my appearance.

Not only had they spent the last nine months caring for me as I grew in my mom’s tummy, but they had also committed themselves to a lifetime of physical and emotional care for yet another child.