All tagged God's glory

Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?

As humans, we are especially prone to asking the “why” question when bad things happen in our lives.

Why did I get fired?

Why did my mother have to leave us so early?

Why am I going through this divorce?

As Christians, we know that God is all-powerful. So, it seems natural for us to begin questioning Him as well.

Dinner with Me

Before I lost my sight, I was one of those strange individuals who enjoyed eating at restaurants alone.

Sure, I also loved to grab a bite with a group of friends or my family, but there was always something about the peace and relaxing atmosphere of a meal spent in solitude that appealed to me.

It’s been almost 7 years since I strolled into a restaurant by myself, was shown to a table, and enjoyed a meal independently.

Well folks, I am happy to say that this streak has finally come to an end.

How to Stay “In-Step” with the Holy Spirit

When I received my guide dog, Jackson, I was so excited for the freedom and independence he would bring to my life.

And I definitely have not been disappointed!

I feel so much more confident traveling independently with my boy by my side. However, I also knew that having a guide dog would come with its challenges and occasional hardships.

Having a dog is very different from simply walking with a white cane.

For one thing, when you have a dog, you are responsible for a living, breathing animal. This means that, on occasion, they will become sick and need a day or two off of work.

What Are You Thankful For?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

The day when we get to stuff ourselves with turkey, dressing, and sweet potato casserole while being surrounded by family and friends. I honestly cannot think of anything better!

I love Thanksgiving for several reasons.

First, I get to visit with family who I don’t get to see that often.

Second, it means that Christmas is right around the corner.

Third, the food!!!

Fun fact: I actually love Thanksgiving food so much that I had it served at my wedding reception. My favorite? Sweet potato casserole!

God, Why Did You Let This Happen?

My nephew, Charlie, is 17 months old, and it has been so much fun watching him grow.

Listening to him learn new words has probably been my favorite part of this process. One of the first words, other than Mama and Daddy, that he said clearly was “book”. It was adorable! I remember being so amazed at how this small little human had expressed such a clear thought. With each new word that he says, it brings a smile to my face.

It won’t be long before he expands his vocabulary further and even begins to string these solitary words into small sentences. Before we know it, he will be asking that question that parents with small children hear so often…”Why?”