All tagged Biblical Truths

How Do We Work as a Team with God?

During my training with my guide dog, Jackson, one of the first things we learned how to do was to work around obstacles.

The trainers would set up traffic cones, large solid barriers, and other objects on the sidewalk to block our path.

The dogs are trained to stop in front of the obstacle, and then as a team, the dog and handler are to decide the best way to work around the object.

The first few times Jackson and I worked on this task; it was pretty much a disaster. I would give him the wrong command and completely confuse him. Or he would take matters into his own paws, guiding me on his own “creative” path around the obstacle.

It took a lot of practice, trust, and teamwork for us to finally become comfortable working together around these unexpected barriers.

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Okay, here’s what we have to do. We’re going to lower ourselves about three feet down into the gully and then climb about four feet up on the other side, and then we have some briars to work through… but it’ll be fine!”

These are the words I heard as my dad and I began hiking back to the watershed lake that sits about a mile behind my childhood home.

The challenge didn’t phase me, though.

I had spent my whole childhood, teenage, and young adult years exploring these woods, and I was excited about the adventure.