All tagged Bible stories

Don't Waste Your Time Worrying

During my initial three weeks of training with my guide dog, Jackson, we had a lot of new, exciting, and sometimes scary experiences.

One that I remember most is when we were introduced to obstacles.

The trainers set up various objects along the sidewalk that were meant to block our path. Then, as a team, Jackson and I had to figure out how to work around them.

This exercise was meant to mimic a real-life scenario in which our route may become unexpectedly blocked and we would have to decide how to navigate the situation.

As Jackson and I walked along, I did not know exactly what the obstacles were or what the outcome would be, I just knew they were coming.

Are You God's Vessel?

When I was little, I was a bit different from many of my friends.

I never donned a dance leotard, ballet slippers, gymnast suit, or cheerleader uniform.

No, I was more comfortable in boots, brushing ponies, and riding in a dusty arena.

I did try gymnastics lessons once, though.

Quickly, I realized it wasn’t for me.

In an attempt to find an excuse to gracefully bow out of the sport, I told my parents that I didn’t want to do gymnastics anymore because my instructor had a ponytail…it was the logic of a 5-year-old, but it worked!

So, I never learned how to do a cartwheel, stand on my hands, or be flexible.

Relinquishing Your Fears to God

During a recent meeting of my monthly Bible study, the 5:7 Club, we did an activity that some may find a bit unsettling.

The ladies and I all took turns naming our fears.

Many of the worries expressed related to health concerns, loved ones, and an uncertain future.

For me, I often feel anxious about the unknown.  

You may be wondering, what exactly was the goal of this exercise?

Find Your Can

A question that I receive often is, “What does a normal day consist of for you and your guide dog?”

On an average morning, we are dropped off downtown where we will usually run by the coffee shop or head to my office to start working.

Work for my ministry usually consists of writing a blog or devotion, rehearsing a speech, conducting a Bible study, or having an encouragement session with someone either in person or over the phone.

All of which Jackson does not find too exciting, so he will settle in for a nap.

Throughout the day, Jackson and I may visit one of the local shops or grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant.

How to Turn Your Worries Over to God

During my initial three weeks of training with my guide dog, Jackson, we had a lot of new, exciting, and sometimes scary experiences.

One that I remember most is when we were introduced to obstacles.

The trainers set up various objects along the sidewalk that were meant to block our path. Then, as a team, Jackson and I had to figure out how to work around them.

This exercise was meant to mimic a real-life scenario in which our route may become unexpectedly blocked and we would have to decide how to navigate the situation.

As Jackson and I walked along, I did not know exactly what the obstacles were or what the outcome would be, I just knew they were coming.

What is the Shield of Faith?

Have you ever felt the truth of the saying, “When it rains, it pours”?

Sometimes, it seems as though we are stuck in a season of life where one trial follows another, and they all begin to build up until the weight of it all is crushing.

Blindness often brings upon those seasons because it impacts so many distinct aspects of my daily life.

Can I Trust God When I Feel Intimidated?

Have you ever felt truly intimidated?

The motion that you are up against something much bigger than yourself is enough to leave you feeling hopeless, scared, and, in my case, quite literally shaking in my boots.

When I was a freshman in college, a couple of years before I lost my sight, I was a member of my school’s equestrian team.

At the end of that first season, to my amazement, I qualified for the biggest competition of the year…nationals. I had ridden horses since I was very young, but I had never competed at such a high level.

When I first arrived at the huge arena and saw all of the talent and athleticism around me, I’ll admit, I felt out of my element, overwhelmed, and scared. Sure, I had earned my spot there just like the rest of the riders, but the irrational intimidation that I felt made me feel as though I was destined for failure.

Is My Life More Than A Tragedy?

My trip to Leader Dogs for the Blind in Michigan last month was a blessing for many different reasons.

The main reason, of course, is that I came back with my wonderful guide dog Jackson. He is such a gentleman and has truly changed my life already.

One of the other main reasons it was such a great trip is because of all of the people that I met. There were about twelve other people in my class at Leader Dog, and everyone was from different places and backgrounds with varying ages, careers, and even ranges of vision.

No, not everyone who receives a guide dog is totally blind.

Look Up

Okay, here’s what we have to do. We’re going to lower ourselves about three feet down into the gully and then climb about four feet up on the other side, and then we have some briars to work through… but it’ll be fine!”

These are the words I heard as my dad and I began hiking back to the watershed lake that sits about a mile behind my childhood home.

The challenge didn’t phase me, though.

I had spent my whole childhood, teenage, and young adult years exploring these woods, and I was excited about the adventure.

Am I Moldable in God’s Hands?

When I was little, I was a bit different from many of my friends.

I never donned a dance leotard, ballet slippers, gymnast suit, or cheerleader uniform.

No, I was more comfortable in boots, brushing ponies, and riding in a dusty arena.

I did try gymnastics lessons once, though.

Quickly, I realized it wasn’t for me.

In an attempt to find an excuse to gracefully bow out of the sport, I told my parents that I didn’t want to do gymnastics anymore because my instructor had a ponytail…it was the logic of a 5-year-old, but it worked!

So, I never learned how to do a cartwheel, stand on my hands, or be flexible.