All tagged Bible Stories

3 Ways to Pursue Peace

Jazz and Jambalaya, bayous and banana fosters, Cajun cooking, and riverboat cruising

New Orleans has long since been on my travel bucket list, and I was so excited to get to visit a few years back with my parents. 

Now, we all know that NOLA has a bit of a reputation, so before my arrival, I braced myself for the noise and chaos that I would inevitably encounter on Bourbon Street.

Taking Time to Sit at the Lord's Feet

I love entertaining at my house, but I’ll be honest, it can also be exhausting! There are so many things to think about and prepare.

I have to make sure the house is clean, provide food and refreshments, and gather games, movies, or other sources of entertainment.

The work does not end when the company arrives, either.

Once the party starts, I always find myself rushing around, making sure that everyone has what they need and is having a good time.

With all of this hustle and bustle, it is hard to even visit with my guests.

Sometimes, I just wish that I had a remote control for life so that I could hit the pause button and have the time to enjoy the moment!

In Luke 10, Martha faced a similar situation.

She had a very special guest coming to her home…Jesus!

Can you imagine?

I would probably be a nervous wreck if Jesus was coming over to my house for dinner.

Like many of us do when we are preparing for guests, Martha, even after Jesus arrived, hurried around in frenzied preparation.

How to Find Your Self-Worth in God

Have you ever felt as though you do not quite measure up?

When you look around, you can’t help but think that you are not as good-looking, happy, or successful as the rest of your peers.

Your clothes are not as nice, your marriage or relationship isn’t as strong, and you didn’t get that promotion.

Sometimes, it feels like it is just part of our nature to compare, conform, and crave the attainment of worldly standards.

Finding Christmas Courage

I love to read and listen to audiobooks, and one of my favorite authors is Karen Kingsbury.

Not only are her novels compelling and entertaining, but they are all based on scripture and Biblical truths.

Her writing always leaves me with a sense of peace and gratitude towards our Lord and Savior, and I always tend to learn something new about God and His word.

While reading Kingsbury’s novel, “Truly, Madly, Deeply,” I was given a whole new perspective on a Bible story that all of us know so well…the Christmas Story.

We often read the account of Jesus’ miraculous conception and birth with a sense of hope, joy, and peace.

How to Stay “In-Step” with the Holy Spirit

When I received my guide dog, Jackson, I was so excited for the freedom and independence he would bring to my life.

And I definitely have not been disappointed!

I feel so much more confident traveling independently with my boy by my side. However, I also knew that having a guide dog would come with its challenges and occasional hardships.

Having a dog is very different from simply walking with a white cane.

For one thing, when you have a dog, you are responsible for a living, breathing animal. This means that, on occasion, they will become sick and need a day or two off of work.

How Do We Work as a Team with God?

During my training with my guide dog, Jackson, one of the first things we learned how to do was to work around obstacles.

The trainers would set up traffic cones, large solid barriers, and other objects on the sidewalk to block our path.

The dogs are trained to stop in front of the obstacle, and then as a team, the dog and handler are to decide the best way to work around the object.

The first few times Jackson and I worked on this task; it was pretty much a disaster. I would give him the wrong command and completely confuse him. Or he would take matters into his own paws, guiding me on his own “creative” path around the obstacle.

It took a lot of practice, trust, and teamwork for us to finally become comfortable working together around these unexpected barriers.

Am I Following God's Will?

Confession time!

It can be difficult for me to take the advice of others. In fact, sometimes I will even seek out affirmation over advice because I know it will be much easier to swallow.

My mom may critique an outfit down to the color of the thread if I ask her opinion, whereas it can be easier to just ask my husband who will always say, ”You look great, honey!”

If I send a blog post for revision to my editor, Erica, she will probably knit-pick it to death, whereas someone else would say, “This is great work!”

You get my point, it can seem easier and better for our ego to ask for advice from someone who will agree with what we have already decided, but this way of thinking doesn’t always lead to the best outcome.

Pursuing Peace in the Panic

Jazz and Jambalaya, bayous and banana foster’s, Cajun cooking, and riverboat cruising.

New Orleans has long since been on my travel bucket list, and I was so excited to finally get to visit a few months back with my parents.

Now, we all know that NOLA has a bit of a reputation, and, before my arrival, I braced myself for the noise and chaos that I would inevitably encounter on Bourbon Street.

Do I Measure Up?

Have you ever felt as though you do not quite measure up?

When you look around, you can’t help but think that you are not as good-looking, happy, or successful as the rest of your peers.

Your clothes are not as nice, your marriage or relationship isn’t as strong, and you didn’t get that promotion.

Sometimes, it feels like it is just part of our nature to compare, conform, and crave the attainment of worldly standards.

Press Pause and Press Into God

I love entertaining at my house, but I’ll be honest, it can also be exhausting! There are so many things to think about and prepare.

I have to make sure the house is clean, provide food and refreshments, and gather games, movies, or other sources of entertainment.

The work does not end when the company arrives, either.

Once the party starts, I always find myself rushing around, making sure that everyone has what they need and is having a good time.

With all of this hustle and bustle, it is hard to even visit with my guests.

Sometimes, I just wish that I had a remote control for life so that I could hit the pause button and have the time to enjoy the moment!

In Luke 10, Martha faced a similar situation.

She had a very special guest coming to her home…Jesus!

Can you imagine?

I would probably be a nervous wreck if Jesus was coming over to my house for dinner.

Like many of us do when we are preparing for guests, Martha, even after Jesus arrived, hurried around in frenzied preparation.