All tagged Sara Claudia Ministries

Can God Use Me?

If you had told me 7 years ago that I would one day start my own ministry, I would have thought you were crazy.

The idea that I would be sharing my faith with others would have been almost laughable to me.


Because I did not have a close relationship with Christ, I was living far from how a Christian should live, and I hardly ever touched my Bible.

Despite this, God decided to use me anyway, and I’m so glad that He did.

As a result, my life is now drastically different.

Is God Against Me?

When I lost my sight in 2015, to say that it felt as though life was crumbling around me would be an understatement.

In the blink of an eye, my collegiate equestrian career, my senior year of college, my health, and life as I knew it disappeared.

In the days, weeks, and months that followed, I faced one hard situation after another as I learned to live again in darkness.

It definitely felt like everything was falling apart, and I struggled to understand Where God was and what he was doing through it all.

Do you ever have those days when you feel as though everything is falling apart?

Finding Our Happy Place - with Candace Cofer

We all have our "happy place."

Maybe it's the porch.

One of my friends said her husband loves the back porch so much they call their patio "The Matt-io."

Maybe for you, it's the beach.

Sunshine and waves and the smell of Coppertone sunscreen is your ticket to serenity.

Maybe it's less expensive. Maybe all it takes is a hot shower.

As a parent of little ones, complicated and compulsive adolescents, or seemingly unreachable teenagers, you seek a few minutes of alone time. Brief and simple, but happy nonetheless.