All tagged Romans

Finding Blessings Through My Sight Loss

When I was about 10 years old, I experienced one of the scariest moments of my life.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and I was on horseback, my favorite place on earth. While riding through an open pasture with my sister, my horse suddenly got spooked and took off at a full gallop.

I considered myself a pretty seasoned equestrian at the time, but this sudden increase in speed took me by surprise and, before I knew it, I was literally hanging upside down beneath the horse’s neck.

Why Do We Celebrate Valentine's Day?

The month of February always evokes thoughts of hearts, cupids, and mushy love notes.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday in which many of us strive to show just how much we care about our significant others.

I wonder how many dollars are spent each year on flowers, chocolates, and expensive meals!

This year, I found myself contemplating why we celebrate February 14th in this way. 

Is it simply an effort to prove how deserving we are of love in return?

How God Has Blessed Me Through My Sight Loss

When I was about 10 years old, I experienced one of the scariest moments of my life.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and I was on horseback, my favorite place on earth. While riding through an open pasture with my sister, my horse suddenly got spooked and took off at a full gallop.

I considered myself a pretty seasoned equestrian at the time, but this sudden increase in speed took me by surprise and, before I knew it, I was literally hanging upside down beneath the horse’s neck.