All tagged Paul

A Challenge to Focus on the Unseen

If you were to walk into my house, one of the first things that you would notice would be all the pictures. 

Wedding pictures, engagement photos, snapshots from my travels, and photographs of family adorn the walls, shelves, and mantle. 

I have always loved pictures. Before I lost my sight, and, yes, even after.

The third anniversary of my wedding is today, and one of my favorite things to do is to sit and look over all the pictures from our perfect day. 

How do I do this without my sight you may be wondering? 

For my digital photos, I have descriptions of the pictures typed out, which my screen reader will read aloud as I select an image. 

Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen

If you were to walk into my house, one of the first things that you would notice would be all the pictures.

Wedding pictures, engagement photos, snapshots from my travels, and photographs of family adorn the walls, shelves, and mantle.

I have always loved pictures. Before I lost my sight, and, yes, even after.

The one-year anniversary of my wedding is rapidly approaching, and one of my favorite things to do is to sit and look over all the pictures from our perfect day.

How do I do this without my sight you may be wondering?

Can I See God Through My Tears?

When I was 19 years old, about a year before I lost my sight, I took a trip with my parents to the Grand Canyon.

My dad and I were able to gaze upon the spectacular landscape from a unique vantage point on a helicopter ride.

Slightly terrifying? Yes! But the views were well worth the mild panic attack! It was one of the most wondrous things I have ever seen.

The Grand Canyon is one of those sights that just makes you think, “How in the world could someone not believe in God?”

How could something so beautiful and so spectacular simply arise by chance?