All tagged Luke

Out With the Old, in With the New

After going blind in 2015, I desperately wanted my life to return to “normal.”

Whether my sight came back or not, I was bound and determined to return to who I was before. I wanted to do the same activities, live the same way, and enjoy the same things.

It didn’t take long to realize, however, that the “normal” I had experienced before would never completely be attained again.

What it Means to Live for Christ

Have you ever had to completely start over?

Maybe you moved to a new town, started a new job, or transferred to a new school.

Whatever the situation may be, when you are learning to live in a new place, literally or figuratively, it can be unfamiliar, unsettling, and scary.

When I lost my sight six years ago, I felt like I was having to start my life from scratch in more ways than one.

First, there was the obvious way in which I had to learn to live again…figuring out how to do everything without my sight.

To say it was challenging would be an understatement, and to say that I have learned everything there is to know about living with blindness would be untrue.

What Do I Deserve?

When I entered this world in May of 1994, to say that my mom and dad had their hands full would be an understatement.

While preparing to welcome their third child, they were also busy wrangling twin toddlers.

I’m sure they were excited, anxious, and just a bit exhausted by the time I made my appearance.

Not only had they spent the last nine months caring for me as I grew in my mom’s tummy, but they had also committed themselves to a lifetime of physical and emotional care for yet another child.