All tagged Heaven

Do Your April Showers Bring You May Flowers?

April showers bring May flowers.”

It’s a saying we all have heard, and we know it is true.

The wet, dreary weather we tend to endure in early spring gives way to a beautiful array of vibrant colors and energizing scents as time passes.

While the rain is not a welcome occurrence, it is necessary for the beauty that we all look forward to each year.

This fun, familiar saying reminds me of a Bible verse found in Romans chapter 8.

Breaking Up with My To-Do List

One of my strengths is that I am proactive, a planner, and the complete opposite of a procrastinator.

When I get an idea in my head or have a task to accomplish, I work efficiently and endlessly until it is finished!

However, this can also be one of my greatest weaknesses because sometimes, if I’m being honest, I take it a little too far.

The notion that tasks, plans, or exciting new ventures need to be realized instantly is not always realistic.

This personality quirk shows up in virtually every aspect of my life.

If I get an idea for a new project around the house, I would prefer for it to be done that day.

If I have a long to-do list, I often will not rest until each task is checked off.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers.”

It’s a saying we all have heard, and we know it is true.

The wet, dreary weather we tend to endure in early spring gives way to a beautiful array of vibrant colors and energizing scents as time passes.

While the rain is not a welcome occurrence, it is necessary for the beauty that we all look forward to each year.

This fun, familiar saying reminds me of a Bible verse found in Romans chapter 8.