All tagged Happiness

Should I Believe The Lies?

Do you ever hear that little voice in your head?

You know, the not-so-nice one whose only goal seems to be to bring you down.

The one that repeats phrases like,

You’re not good enough” or “No one really cares about you.”

In today’s world, deception is everywhere.

In the news, in our favorite TV shows, and even in the phrases whispered by that little voice.

But this phenomenon is not new.

In fact, the enemy has been trying to deceive us and pull us away from God’s truth since the very beginning of mankind.

Finding Our Happy Place - with Candace Cofer

We all have our "happy place."

Maybe it's the porch.

One of my friends said her husband loves the back porch so much they call their patio "The Matt-io."

Maybe for you, it's the beach.

Sunshine and waves and the smell of Coppertone sunscreen is your ticket to serenity.

Maybe it's less expensive. Maybe all it takes is a hot shower.

As a parent of little ones, complicated and compulsive adolescents, or seemingly unreachable teenagers, you seek a few minutes of alone time. Brief and simple, but happy nonetheless.