All tagged God is Faithful

Can I Trust God When I Feel Intimidated?

Have you ever felt truly intimidated?

The motion that you are up against something much bigger than yourself is enough to leave you feeling hopeless, scared, and, in my case, quite literally shaking in my boots.

When I was a freshman in college, a couple of years before I lost my sight, I was a member of my school’s equestrian team.

At the end of that first season, to my amazement, I qualified for the biggest competition of the year…nationals. I had ridden horses since I was very young, but I had never competed at such a high level.

When I first arrived at the huge arena and saw all of the talent and athleticism around me, I’ll admit, I felt out of my element, overwhelmed, and scared. Sure, I had earned my spot there just like the rest of the riders, but the irrational intimidation that I felt made me feel as though I was destined for failure.

Have I Lost My Purpose?

What was the hardest part about losing my sight suddenly at age 20?

There were so many challenges that accompanied the unexpected tragedy which occurred over 6 years ago.

Some of these hardships included losing my independence, having to adjust to a new way of living and engaging with the world, and enduring the frustrating search to find my purpose as someone with a disability.

Losing sight of my way, my plans for the future, and the purpose I thought I had for my life would be one of the hardest things I had to face.

At the time of my sight loss in 2015, I was on track to graduate college the following year, pursue a graduate degree, and begin a career in the field of Psychology.

In the blink of an eye, all of that disappeared and I no longer had a plan for what my life would be ten years down the road, let alone 10 months, weeks, or even days in the future.

New Season: Exciting Life Update!

Spring is quickly approaching, and with it will come the changes and promises of a new season.

Flowers bloom, the weather gets warmer, and we can finally start to venture out of our cozy winter cocoon of blankets and fleece!

The weather is not the only thing that has been changing for me recently.

My life has been undergoing a season of change that has brought sad goodbyes, exciting new endeavors, and a whirlwind of emotions.

I wanted to let you in on what God has been teaching me through it all.