All tagged God's Grace

Is God Against Me?

When I lost my sight in 2015, to say that it felt as though life was crumbling around me would be an understatement.

In the blink of an eye, my collegiate equestrian career, my senior year of college, my health, and life as I knew it disappeared.

In the days, weeks, and months that followed, I faced one hard situation after another as I learned to live again in darkness.

It definitely felt like everything was falling apart, and I struggled to understand Where God was and what he was doing through it all.

Do you ever have those days when you feel as though everything is falling apart?

What Do I Deserve?

When I entered this world in May of 1994, to say that my mom and dad had their hands full would be an understatement.

While preparing to welcome their third child, they were also busy wrangling twin toddlers.

I’m sure they were excited, anxious, and just a bit exhausted by the time I made my appearance.

Not only had they spent the last nine months caring for me as I grew in my mom’s tummy, but they had also committed themselves to a lifetime of physical and emotional care for yet another child.