All tagged Faith in Christ

Have I Lost My Purpose?

What was the hardest part about losing my sight suddenly at age 20?

There were so many challenges that accompanied the unexpected tragedy which occurred over 6 years ago.

Some of these hardships included losing my independence, having to adjust to a new way of living and engaging with the world, and enduring the frustrating search to find my purpose as someone with a disability.

Losing sight of my way, my plans for the future, and the purpose I thought I had for my life would be one of the hardest things I had to face.

At the time of my sight loss in 2015, I was on track to graduate college the following year, pursue a graduate degree, and begin a career in the field of Psychology.

In the blink of an eye, all of that disappeared and I no longer had a plan for what my life would be ten years down the road, let alone 10 months, weeks, or even days in the future.

How to Become More Connected with Christ

In the fall of 2020, I began the process of applying for a guide dog from Leader Dogs for the Blind.

I know what you’re probably thinking because I’ve heard it many times before… “You have to apply? Shouldn’t anyone who is blind automatically be qualified for a guide dog?”

Actually, this is far from the truth because there is a lot more that goes into using a dog as a mobility tool than simply grabbing hold of the harness handle and being led everywhere you want to go.

As the dog’s handler, it is your responsibility to give your dog directions such as where to go and when to cross the street. The dog’s only responsibility is to follow your directions and guide you there safely.

As a result, the application process ensures that you have an adequate level of orientation and mobility skills to work with your dog as a team and that you can properly care for and provide for your new furry companion.