All tagged Christian Author

How to Leave the Noise and Listen to God

A question that I frequently get asked is how I use my iPhone without my sight. 

Thanks to Voice Over, the screen reader software on Apple devices, I can listen to a friendly electronic voice telling me what is on the screen. Using this feature with certain gestures on the touch screen, I can text, scroll through Facebook, send emails, and use my phone in much of the same way as a sighted person.

While I am very thankful for this technology, sometimes I simply crave silence. 

I realized that I had spent the twenty years of my sighted life taking the ability to sit in the quiet and read a book for granted. 

Christmas Courage - An excerpt from "Whom Shall I Fear" by Sara Claudia

I love to read and listen to audiobooks, and one of my favorite authors is Karen Kingsbury. Not only are her novels compelling and entertaining, but they are all based on Scripture and biblical truths. Her writing always leaves me with a sense of peace and gratitude toward our Lord and Savior, and I always tend to learn something new about God and His Word.

While reading Kingsbury’s novel, Truly, Madly, Deeply, I was given a whole new perspective on a Bible story that all of us know so well—the Christmas Story. We often read the account of Jesus’ miraculous conception and birth with a sense of hope, joy, and peace.

In the novel, however, I was challenged to look at it from Mary’s point of view—one of fear and uncertainty, but also one of faith and obedience.